Washington Employment Security Department
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Washington Employment Security Department. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
PO Box 9046
Olympia, WA 98507
Phone: (888) 836-1900
Web: Home
Email: employeraccounts@esd.wa.gov
We track the following licenses with the Washington Employment Security Department in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
Washington Professional Employer Organization License
Agency: | Washington Employment Security Department |
Law: |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Notes: | There is not a unique application form to register with the Employment Security Department. Simply apply for a state business license and check the boxes to indicate you have or plan to hire employees. |
Required Attachments: |
Renewal Not Required
Not required
Employment Security Department business registrations do not need to be renewed, however, reporting requirements apply to registered businesses.
Financial Reporting
Quarterly Tax and Wage Report
Instructions: | Pay online using EAMS Pay by mailing a check
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | Quarterly by the end of the month following each quarter. When a due date falls on a weekend or state holiday, your report may be postmarked the following business day. |
Law: | |
Penalties: |
Notes: |
Supplemental Reporting
Client Company Registration
Form: | |
Instructions: | Instructions for Submitting Client Data Electronically to Washington |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | Within 30 days for any client employer registering with the department for the first time and within 30 days of the effective date whenever the professional employer organization and a client employer enter a professional employer agreement. |
Required Attachments: | PEOs that have client companies in Washington must provide the department with all of the following information for each client company:
Related Government Agencies
Explore other Washington government agencies we can help you stay compliant with:
- Washington Board of Licensure for Landscape Architects
- Washington Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors (BRPELS)
- Washington Department of Financial Institutions
- Washington Department of Labor & Industries - Plumber Program
- Washington Department of Labor and Industries - Contractor Section
- Washington Department of Licensing - Business and Professions Division
- Washington Department of Licensing - Geologist Licensing Board
- Washington Department of Revenue
- Washington Department of Revenue - Business Licensing Service
- Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner
- Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner - Producer Licensing and Oversight
- Washington Secretary of State - Corporations and Charities Division
- Washington Secretary of State - Corporations Division
- Washington State Board of Accountancy
- Washington State Department of Health
- Washington State Department of Labor & Industries - Asbestos Removal Program
- Washington State Department of Labor & Industries - Electrical Program
- Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
- Washington State Department of Licensing - Business and Professions Division - Dealer Licensing
- Washington State Department of Licensing - Real Estate Section
- Washington State Department of Licensing - State Board of Architects
- Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO)
- Washington State Gambling Commission
- Washington State Health Care Authority
- Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission