Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
861 Silver Lake Blvd
Suite 203
Dover, DE 19904
Phone: (302) 744-4500
Fax: (302) 739-2711
Web: Home Name search Forms
We track the following licenses with the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
Delaware Distributor Permit (Pharmacy-Wholesale)
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $802 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware In-State Pharmacy Permit
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $367 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware Nonresident Pharmacy Permit
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $363 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Notes: | These requirements apply to all applications, whether initial filing or re-application. In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit:
A copy of each permit, registration or license held by this pharmacy in the jurisdiction (state, U.S. territory or District of Columbia) where it is located and dispenses medications. A separate list for each owner, corporate officer, pharmacist and non-registered pharmacy employee listed on the online application with:
Date of Birth Mailing Address
The date the prescription is dispensed Patient’s full name Brand or established name and strength of the drug to the extent that it can be measured The practitioner’s directions as found on the prescription Practitioner’s name Name and address of the dispensing pharmacy or practitioner A copy of the most recent inspection report from the licensing agency of the jurisdiction where the pharmacy is located. A sample patient profile that meets the requirements of Section 5.0 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations. Label each of the following required items on the sample profile: Patient’s family name and first name Patient’s address and phone number (or location in an institution) Patient’s gender and age or date of birth Original date the medication is dispensed after receiving the prescription Number or designation for prescription Prescriber’s name Name, strength, quantity, directions and refill information of drug dispensed Appropriate directions must also be present if medication is for patients in institutions Initials of dispensing pharmacist and date of dispensing medication as a refill if those initials and date are not recorded on original prescription If patient refuses to give all or part of the required information, indicate and initial in the appropriate area Pharmacist comments relevant to the patient’s drug therapy, including any other information peculiar to the specific patient or drug Notes on the patient’s allergies, idiosyncrasies, chronic diseases, and frequently used over-the-counter medications. If none, this must also be shown on the profile. |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $363 |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware Pharmacist License
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $188 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware Pharmacy - Manufacturer Permit
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $802 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware Pharmacy - Third Party Logistics Permit
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $802 |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
Delaware Retail Non-Pharmacy Registration
Agency: | Delaware Division of Professional Regulation - State Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $340 |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | You are notified of the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. |
Due: | By September 30 of even-numbered years. |
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