Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies

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We are a service company that can help you file with the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies . We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.

Contact Information

Physical address:
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Phone: (850) 487-1395

Web: Home Name search


We track the following licenses with the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.

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Florida De Minimis Employee Leasing Company Group Leader Registration

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Form ELC 5: De Minimus Registration Company Group Leader

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the registration anniversary date.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

Florida De Minimis Employee Leasing Company Group Member Registration

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Form ELC 5: De Minimus Registration Company Group Member

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the registration anniversary date.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

Florida De Minimis Employee Leasing Company Registration

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes

A De Minimis registration is for employee leasing companies that are not domiciled in the State of Florida and who have a small number of leased employees working in Florida. De Minimis registrants are exempt from certain filing requirements such as quarterly and annual reports, assessment fees, etc. A company who submits a completed De Minimis application, is domiciled outside the State of Florida and is licensed or registered as an employee leasing company in its state of domicile or residence (if such state requires licensure), may qualify for De Minimis registration and Exemption only if the company:


  • Does not provide leased employees to a client whose business is located or domiciled within Florida;
  • Does not maintain an office in Florida; and
  • Does not have more than 50 leased employees in Florida.
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Form # DBPR ELC 4 - Application for Registration as a De Minimis Employee Leasing Company

Filing Method:

File by mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the registration anniversary date.


Companies with a de minimis registration may need to call the board to request for the renewal process to begin before filing online.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


FL Admin Code § 61G7-10.001


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

Florida Employee Leasing Company Controlling Person License

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies

Initial Registration


Form ELC 1: Controlling Person

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$106.75 application fee + license fee of $600 if applying during the first year of the biennial license period or $300 if applying during the second year of the biennial license period.

Required Attachments:
  • Electronic fingerprints
  • Credit report on the applicant from a nationally recognized credit reporting agency, which includes a
    public records statement that records have been checked at local, state, and federal levels
  • A certified transcript of college credits if using college credit to meet the education
    requirements for licensure as a controlling person and/or complete a separate Verification of Employment (section V) for each employer within the past 10 years
  • IRS Form 8821

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By April 30 of even-numbered years.

Florida Employee Leasing Company Group License

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

An Employee Leasing Company Group is required to have a tangible accounting net worth of not less than $50,000 collectively, and positive net working capital. If the employee leasing company group does not have a tangible accounting net worth of at least $50,000, the group shall have guaranties, letters of credit, or other securities acceptable to the board in sufficient amounts to offset any deficiency.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Form ELC 3: Employee Leasing Company Group

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$250 application fee + license fee of $1,500 if applying during the first year of the biennial license period or $750 if applying during the second year of the biennial license period.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • A copy of the contractual agreement which will be used after licensure to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual basis financial statements as determined by generally accepted accounting principles as of the date of the most recent fiscal year end. The financial statements must be audited or reviewed by an independent certified public accountant. If the leasing company has a gross Florida payroll of $2,500,000 or above, audited financial statements are required
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company
  • Cross Guarantee Form

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By April 30 of even-numbered years.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Controlling person application for each person who will need to be licensed as a controlling person who is not already a licensed controlling person
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Quarterly Compliance Form
  • Cross-Guarantee Form
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authorit from Florida Secretary of State's office
  • Workers' Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Contractual Agreement copy used to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual Basis Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Statement of Income and Retained Earnings, Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to the Financial Statements) with a minimum of $50,000 tangible accounting net worth
  • Copiesof UCT-6 Forms (Employer's Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • State License Letter of Verification/Good Standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Financial Reporting

Agency Fee:



Within 120 after the close of the entity's fiscal year.


FL Admin Code § 61G7-10.0011


Each employee leasing company shall submit, not later than 120 days after their fiscal year end, a copy of their current fiscal year end financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which shall include statement of income and retained earnings, balance sheet, statement of changes in financial position (cash flows), and applicable footnotes.

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

Florida Employee Leasing Company Group Member License

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

  • Each employee leasing company in the group must have at least one properly licensed controlling person; however, the same person could be the controlling person for multiple group members. For additional information regarding who should be licensed as a controlling person, please see the controlling person application (form # DBPR ELC 1) and its instructions which are included in the application.
  • Two or more, but not more than five, employee leasing companies that are majority-owned by the same ultimate parent, entity, or persons may be licensed as an employee leasing company group.
Insurance Requirements:

Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI). A COI from the workers’ compensation insurance provider for each policy held must be maintained. The provider must be an admitted carrier in the State of Florida. The COI must name the employee leasing company as the insured, name the Board of Employee Leasing Companies (including address) as the certificate holder, include a 30-day notice of cancellation, bears the signature of an authorized representative of the insurance provider, and state that it covers all leased employees in this state.


This application is used to apply for licensure as an employee leasing company group member. Company group members are employee leasing companies that are members of a group that is majority-owned by the same entity or person. An employee leasing group member can report financial requirements in a consolidated method, and each member must guarantee payment of all the financial obligations of the other members of the group.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

CONTROLLING PERSON: Each employee leasing company must have at least one properly licensed controlling person. For additional information regarding who should be licensed as a controlling person, please see the controlling person application. If the Controlling Person is unlicensed, they must apply at the same time as the company.

Requirement Notes:

  • CROSS GUARANTEE: As a condition of licensure as an employee leasing company group, each company that is a member of the group shall guarantee payment of all financial obligations of each other member. Group members must complete the Cross Guarantee form included in the application.

Initial Registration


Form ELC 3: Employee Leasing Company Group Member

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$250 application fee + license fee of $1,500 if applying during the first year of the biennial license period or $750 if applying during the second year of the biennial license period.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • A copy of the contractual agreement which will be used after licensure to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual basis financial statements as determined by generally accepted accounting principles as of the date of the most recent fiscal year end. The financial statements must be audited or reviewed by an independent certified public accountant. If the leasing company has a gross Florida payroll of $2,500,000 or above, audited financial statements are required
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company
  • Cross Guarantee Form

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By April 30 of even-numbered years.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Controlling person application for each person who will need to be licensed as a controlling person who is not already a licensed controlling person
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Quarterly Compliance Form
  • Cross-Guarantee Form
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authorit from Florida Secretary of State's office
  • Workers' Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Contractual Agreement copy used to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual Basis Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Statement of Income and Retained Earnings, Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to the Financial Statements) with a minimum of $50,000 tangible accounting net worth
  • Copiesof UCT-6 Forms (Employer's Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • State License Letter of Verification/Good Standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Financial Reporting

Agency Fee:



Within 120 after the close of the entity's fiscal year.


FL Admin Code § 61G7-10.0011


Each employee leasing company shall submit, not later than 120 days after their fiscal year end, a copy of their current fiscal year end financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which shall include statement of income and retained earnings, balance sheet, statement of changes in financial position (cash flows), and applicable footnotes.

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

Florida Employee Leasing Company License

Agency:Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation - Board of Employee Leasing Companies
Eligible Entity Types:

  • Corporation
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

Employee Leasing Companies for initial licensure are required to have tangible accounting net worth of not less than $50,000, and positive net working capital. If the employee leasing company does not have a tangible accounting net worth of at least $50,000, the company shall have guaranties, letters of credit, or other securities acceptable to the board in sufficient amounts to offset any deficiency.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Form ELC 2: Employee Leasing Company

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$250 application fee + license fee of $900 if applying during the first year of the biennial license period or $450 if applying during the second year of the biennial license period.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authority from Florida Secretary of State’s office
  • Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • A copy of the contractual agreement which will be used after licensure to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual basis financial statements as determined by generally accepted accounting principles as of the date of the most recent fiscal year end. The financial statements must be audited or reviewed by an independent certified public accountant. If the leasing company has a gross Florida payroll of $2,500,000 or above, audited financial statements are required
  • Copies of UCT-6 Forms (Employer’s Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • A letter of verification/good standing for each state in which you hold a license to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By April 30 of even-numbered years.

Required Attachments:

  • "Historical Sketch" - Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 20% or more of the voting stock if the company is publicly traded, Individuals directly or indirectly controlling 10% or more of the voting stock if the company is a closely held company, All Directors or Principal Officers
  • Controlling person application for each person who will need to be licensed as a controlling person who is not already a licensed controlling person
  • Health Insurance Statement stating the plan of insurance is fully-insured
  • Quarterly Compliance Form
  • Certificate of Good Standing or Authorit from Florida Secretary of State's office
  • Workers' Compensation Certificate of Insurance (COI)
  • Contractual Agreement copy used to engage in employee leasing with client companies
  • Accrual Basis Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Statement of Income and Retained Earnings, Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to the Financial Statements) with a minimum of $50,000 tangible accounting net worth
  • Copiesof UCT-6 Forms (Employer's Quarterly Report)
  • State Taxes Letter of Good Standing
  • State License Letter of Verification/Good Standing for each state in which a license is held to practice as an employee leasing company/group
  • IRS Form 8821 for each employee leasing company

Financial Reporting

Agency Fee:



Within 120 after the close of the entity's fiscal year.


FL Admin Code § 61G7-10.0011


Each employee leasing company shall submit, not later than 120 days after their fiscal year end, a copy of their current fiscal year end financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which shall include statement of income and retained earnings, balance sheet, statement of changes in financial position (cash flows), and applicable footnotes.

Supplemental Reporting
Quarterly Report


Form DBPR EL 4522: Quarterly Compliance Form

Agency Fee:



Within 75 days of the end of each quarter.


The first and third quarterly reports shall include a balance sheet and income statement demonstrating that the employee leasing company has adequate reserves to pay, when due, all payroll and payroll-related taxes, workers' compensation and health related premiums, and amounts due under any plan or self-insurance. A copy of the company's workers' compensation certificate of insurance in effect for the applicable quarter shall be submitted.

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