Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers

Please Note

We are a service company that can help you file with the Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.

Contact Information

Physical address:
100 S. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410) 230-6010
Fax: (410) 962-8483

Web: Home Name search File online


We track the following licenses with the Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.

A laptop placed on a desk with our License Manager software on display

Maryland Engineer-in-Training License

Agency:Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

Maryland Engineering Firm Permit

Agency:Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers

Maryland Business Occupations and Professions Code § 14-401

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Professional Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • Officers and directors need not be licensed, but the corporation must appoint a Maryland licensed engineer, who is a full-time employee, to be responsible for all engineering activities undertaken by the firm.

Professional Corporations:

  • All of the shareholders must be licensed in a professional service offered by the firm.
  • A majority of the directors and all of the officers of a Maryland PC, except the secretary and treasurer, must be licensed in a professional service offered by the firm.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • Members and managers need not be licensed, but the LLC must appoint a Maryland licensed engineer, who is a full-time employee, to be responsible for all engineering activities undertaken by the firm.


  • Partners need not be licensed, but the partnership must appoint a Maryland licensed engineer, who is a full-time employee, to be responsible for all engineering activities undertaken by the firm.

Initial Registration

This section applies to engineering firms that are applying for a license in Maryland for the first time. If you already have a license and are looking to renew it, please see the renewal section.


Managing Agent Certification Form

Filing Method:
  • Applications are submitted online
  • Managing Agent Certification Forms are mailed or emailed
Agency Fee:



Immediately upon registration with licensure information, via online.

Before you Apply:
  • Foreign qualify if an out-of-state entity.
  • Capture a screenshot of your good standing with the SDAT (corporate registrar). A certificate of good standing is not required.
  • Entity names require board approval if an assumed name is used.
  • Officers and directors need not be licensed, but the corporation must appoint a Maryland-licensed engineer, who is a full-time employee, to be responsible for all engineering activities undertaken by the firm.
  • Obtain Worker's Compensation number or confirmation of exemption
  • Collect information for the qualifying party. Name, Social Security number, and license number of the full-time employee, to be responsible for all engineering activities undertaken by the firm.
  • Complete the Managing Agent/Responsible Charge Certification Form.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File entity formation documents with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT).
  2. Obtain proof of the good standing of your business entity by searching for your entity and taking a screenshot of the View Business Details page (to be submitted with the licensee certification in step 4).
  3. Complete the online Firm Permit application with the Board for Professional Engineers.
  4. Email a completed Responsible Member Certification Form to

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File foreign qualification documents with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT).
  2. Obtain proof of the good standing of your Maryland entity by searching for your entity and taking a screenshot of the View Business Details page (to be submitted with the licensee certification in step 4).
  3. Complete the online Firm Permit application with the Board for Professional Engineers.
  4. Email a completed Responsible Member Certification Form to
Required Attachments:
  • All firms, except a partnership, must provide evidence of the business' good standing status with the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT). Evidence may be provided by printing a results screen from SDAT's Maryland Business Express database. Once the business entity is located through the search, click on the "View Business Details" link. Print that window, and send it to the Board with the certification in step 3.

Registration Renewal

This section applies to engineering firms that are already licensed in Maryland and need to renew their license.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Due:Biennially by the registration date.

Renewal notices are sent approximately 60 days before the expiration of the permit.



Firm Name Change or Managing Agent Change Form and Affidavit of the Managing Agent

Filing Method:
  • Online for Address Changes
  • Email or Mail for Name and Managing Agent Changes
Agency Fee:



Within 60 days of the effective date of the change.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Maryland Professional Engineer License

Agency:Maryland Department of Labor - Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing - Board for Professional Engineers
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

(1) A licensee who prepared or approved documents in accordance with the criteria set forth in this regulation shall place the licensee’s original signature and date of the signature on the documents required to be signed and sealed pursuant to Business Occupations and Professions Article, §14-4A-02, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) For the purposes of this regulation, the term “original signature” means:

(a) A handwritten signature in permanent ink; or

(b) A digital signature, which satisfies the following requirements:

  1. It contains identification unique to a licensee using it, such as the licensee’s name and license number;
  2. It is under the exclusive control of the licensee using it;
  3. It cannot be repudiated and is independently verifiable; and
  4. It is linked to the document in such a manner that any subsequent modifications to the document after the digital signature was appended to it will result in the document no longer being prepared or approved by the licensee.


Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

See digital signing guidelines.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$86 license fee


Applicants must register for the required exam through NCEES directly and pay them for the exam. The board will no longer administer these exams. 

Reciprocal Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$56 application fee + $86 license fee

How to Apply:
  1. Determine your eligibility category
  2. Complete the Electronic Application for Reciprocity
  3. Pay application ($50.00) and license ($76.00) fees to the Board
  4. Transmit NCEES Record, if applicable
  5. Determine necessary supporting documents
  6. Send appropriate supporting documents to the Board’s staff at

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

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