North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors

Please Note

We are a service company that can help you file with the North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.

Contact Information

Physical address:
3255 Greesboro Drive STE 203
Bismarck, North Dakota 58503

Phone: (701) 258-0786

Web: Home Name search Forms File online


We track the following licenses with the North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.

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North Dakota Certificate of Commercial Practice

Agency:North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors

N.D. Cent. Code § 43-19.1-27

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Professional Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Professional Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Professional Limited Liability Partnership
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • Officers and directors need not be licensed, but the corporation must appoint a North Dakota licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm in North Dakota.

Professional Corporations:

  • All of the shareholders of PCs must be licensed in a profession practiced by the firm.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • Members and managers need not be licensed, but the LLC must appoint a North Dakota licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm in North Dakota.

Professional Limited Liability Companies:

  • All of the members of PLLCs must be licensed in a profession practiced by the firm.


  • Partners need not be licensed, but the partnership must appoint a North Dakota licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm in North Dakota.

Professional Limited Liability Partnerships:

  • All of the partners of PLLPs must be licensed in a profession practiced by the firm.

Initial Registration


Certificate of Commercial Practice Application

Agency Fee:



Up to 6 weeks. Applicants will receive confirmation by mail.

Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • Ensure that your business entity will meet ownership requirements.
  • Identify a North Dakota licensed engineer and/or surveyor to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in North Dakota.

Foreign Applicants:

  • Ensure that your North Dakota entity meets ownership requirements.
  • Identify a North Dakota licensed engineer and/or surveyor to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in North Dakota.
  • Obtain a certificate of good standing from your business entity's home state (to be filed during the foreign qualification process). The certificate cannot be more than 90 days old when filing foreign qualification documents.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. If a PC, PLLC, or PLLP, fill out a Certificate of Professional License and submit to the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors. After approval from the board, submit this form during the entity formation process in step 2.
  2. Create an online account and file entity formation documents with the North Dakota Secretary of State.
  3. File a Certificate of Commercial Practice Application with the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. If a PC, PLLC, or PLLP, fill out a Certificate of Professional License and submit to the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors. After approval from the board, submit this form during the entity formation process in step 2.
  2. Create an online account and file foreign qualification documents with the North Dakota Secretary of State.
  3. File a Certificate of Commercial Practice Application with the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors.

Registration Renewal


Certificate of Commercial Practice Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:
  • $100 if renewed before December 31st
  • $130 if renewed after December 31st

Annually by December 31. Online renewals may be filed as early as October 29.

Required Attachments:
  • List of North Dakota licensees employed by the firm


Agency Fee:



If a change occurs in any of the information submitted on the application of any organization or individual operating under a trade name within the term of the certificate of commercial practice, the organization or individual operating under a trade name shall file with the board a written report with respect to the change within 30 days after the change occurs.


Most changes can be reported through the contact form on the board website.



Certificate of Commercial Practice Renewal

Agency Fee:



Licenses that are expired for 5 or more years cannot be reinstated. Instead, a new license application must be filed.

North Dakota Engineer Intern Registration

Agency:North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors

Renewal Not Required

Not required

North Dakota Land Surveyor Intern Registration

Agency:North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors

Initial Registration


Principals and Practices of Land Surveying Examination Application

Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Renewal Not Required

Not required

Intern certificates do not expire.

North Dakota Professional Engineer License

Agency:North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

3. A registrant shall also apply the registrant's signature across the face of the seals for a nondigital signature. A digital signature is not required to be across the face of the seal. A rubber stamp or facsimile signature is not allowed. The signature and seal must also be dated. No further certification need accompany the seal and signature.

4. The term "signature", as used herein, shall mean a handwritten identification containing the name of the person who applied it; or for electronic or digital documents shall mean a digital signature that shall include an electronic authentication process in a secure mode that is attached to or logically associated with the electronic document to which it is applied. The digital signature must be unique to, and under the sole control of, the person using it; it must also be capable of verification and be linked to a document in such manner that the digital signature is invalidated if any data on the document is altered.

...Electronic reproductions of drawings, plan sheets, specifications, studies, reports, plats, maps, and other engineering and surveying work product that are distributed to reviewing agencies, owners, clients, contractors, suppliers, and others must either contain the electronic seal and digital signature as required by this chapter, or have a digital signed and electronic sealed statement from the registrant transmitting the same which shall read:

"This document(s) was originally issued and sealed by (name), Registration Number (number) on (date)".The statement shall also include the statement that "The original documents are stored at (location)", or "The original documents have been destroyed and are no longer available", whichever is applicable.

Sets of plans or drawings must have this statement attached to every sheet of the set. For specifications, reports, and studies, only the cover or introductory sheet need include this statement.

North Dakota Admin Code 28-02.1-08-.02

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

Seals may be of rubber stamp, metal impression type, computer-generated, or electronically generated. Electronic seals may not be used in any document unless the document contains a signature that meets the requirements of a digital signature.

North Dakota Admin Code 28-02.1-08-.02

Initial Registration


Professional Engineer Application


1. General Information
a. Date the application.
b. Provide your social security number for required background check.
c. Provide first, middle and last name; if you do not have a middle name, please indicate so.
d. Provide your name as you sign drawings, etc. If you do not use a middle initial, please indicate so. If you desire to use your full name,
indicate “same”.
e. Provide the address you want the Board to use to correspond with you and indicate a email address (If applicable)
f. Provide your place and date of birth.
g. Provide your email address.

2. Company Information
All businesses except sole proprietors who are not operating under a trade name must have a Certificate of Commercial Practice issued by the
Board of Registration prior to practicing or offering to practice engineering in North Dakota. Application forms and instructions for a Certificate
of Commercial Practice are on our web site at .
a. Provide the full name of the company you work for.
b. Provide the mailing address for the company.
c. Provide the Certificate of Commercial Practice number issued to your company by the North Dakota State Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. If you are not sure if your company has been issued such a number, please call the Board
office at (701) 258-0786. If your company is in the process of applying for a Certificate of Commercial Practice, check the “Pending”
box. If your employer is a sole practitioner who is using a trade name, a Certificate of Commercial Practice is required.

3. References
a. Provide the name, registration number, address, position, and telephone number of five individuals you wish to provide reference
letters in support of your application.
b. At least 3 of the 5 references must be licensed Professional Engineers who can verify at least a portion of your experience. The
remaining two references may be personal.
c. Refer to the instructions for completing the Reference Letter Form B.

4. Education
a. Provide, in chronological order, the name and location of each school you have attended.
b. Indicate the duration of time you spent in each school.
c. If you graduated from the school, provide the date of your graduation.
d. List any degrees received from each school.
e. Official transcripts of all courses and grades of colleges, universities, or technical schools attended are required. The transcript must
be sent to the Board office directly from the issuing university or arrive in a sealed envelope with the university registrar’s seal or

5. NCEES Examinations
a. Check the appropriate box and give the date and jurisdiction where you have already taken the Fundamentals of Engineering
b. Please list the date, jurisdiction and type of any other NCEES examination you have already taken.
Application Instructions PE Exam-2019 ii

6. Technical and Other Examinations
a. If you have taken any technical examinations for trade certification, please list.
b. If you have taken any state specific examinations as in another jurisdiction, please list.

7. Experience Record
a. Show the title of position, name of employer, and character of each engagement. This should be a detailed statement as to the duties
performed, degree of responsibility, and character of work. If necessary, attach additional sheets. Inadequate experience descriptions
are a frequent cause for deferral of applications.
b. Provide name, title, address, telephone number, state of professional engineering registration, and registration number of the
supervisor for each engagement.
c. When calculating time in columns 1 – 5, follow the instructions on Form A carefully.
d. All time must be accounted for and be current to the date of the application! Make certain that there are no time gaps in your
experience record even if that time is a period of non-professional work, unemployment, or even a short time gap during the transition
period from one place of employment to another.

8. Code of Ethics
a. Your professional practice in North Dakota is bound not only by statutes and rules, but also by the Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is
located in North Dakota Administrative Code § 28-03.1-01-01. Read the Code of Ethics carefully. When you have read the Code of
Ethics, sign your name on the line provided.

9. Affidavit
a. Answer yes or no. If you have had registration refused or revoked in any jurisdiction, please attach a statement giving full details and
include any correspondence from the jurisdiction that refused or revoked your registration.
b. Answer yes or no. If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in any jurisdiction, please attach a statement giving
full details. Include all criminal convictions including DUI’s. Also include non-felony convictions such as Minor in Consumption,
open container, petty theft, possession, etc.
c. When you are satisfied that all information in your application is true and accurate, sign your name to the application in the presence
of a notary public. Be sure the notary seals the affidavit.
d. All signatures must be original and in blue or black ink.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

a. Completed application, signed and notarized
b. Signed Code of Ethics statement
c. Completed Engineering Experience Worksheet, signed and dated
d. Official college transcripts sent directly from the university or in a sealed envelope bearing the university registrar’s seal or
e. Five completed reference letter forms; signed, dated and initialed where appropriate. Reference letters must be sent
directly to the Board office by the reference.
f. A verification of examinations from the jurisdiction in which you took your examinations. The verification form must come
directly from the verifying Board.

Reciprocal Registration


Professional Engineer Application (Endorsement)


Instructions for Application Form A
1. General Information
a. Date the application.
b. Comity/Endorsement is only for individuals who already have a valid license in another jurisdiction. Individuals desiring to take one of the
Principles & Practices examinations should return to the Board’s web site and download the correct application.
c. Provide your social security number for required background check.
d. Provide first, middle and last name; if you do not have a middle name, please indicate so.
e. Provide your name as you sign drawings, etc. If you do not use a middle initial, please indicate so. If you desire to use your full name,
indicate “same”.
f. Provide the address you want the Board to use to correspond with you and provide an email address.
g. Provide your place and date of birth.
h. Provide your email address.
i. Indicate what discipline you feel qualified to practice in. Your education and experience record must support your answer.
j. Please print application on single sided paper only.

2. Company Information
All businesses except sole proprietors who are not operating under a trade name must have a Certificate of Commercial Practice issued by the
Board of Registration prior to practicing or offering to practice engineering in North Dakota. Application forms and instructions for a Certificate of
Commercial Practice are on our web site at .
a. Provide the full name of the company you work for.
b. Provide the mailing address for the company.
c. Provide the Certificate of Commercial Practice number issued to your company by the North Dakota State Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. If you are not sure if your company has been issued such a number, please call the Board
office at (701) 258-0786. If your company is in the process of applying for a Certificate of Commercial Practice, check the “Pending” box.
d. If your employer is a sole practitioner who is using a trade name, a Certificate of Commercial Practice is required.
Sole Practitioners
If you are a sole practitioner operating under your own name, put that information in the spaces provided in for company information.
Clearly indicate your name that you will be operating under and write the words “Sole Practitioner” next to your name. Anything other
than your personal name is considered a Trade Name and requires a Certificate of Commercial Practice.
This section may not be left blank. Failure to provide this information results in an incomplete application and will not be considered by
the Board.

3. References
a. Provide the name, registration number, address, position, and telephone number of five individuals you wish to provide reference letters
in support of your application.
b. At least 3 of the 5 references must be professionals licensed in the profession you are applying for who can verify at least a portion of
your experience. The remaining two references may be personal.
c. If you will be submitting an NCEES record, you must list the individuals who provided references. Do not leave this section blank or
reference the NCEES record. Reference letters must be dated within the past five years. If, for example, three of your reference letters
are more than five years old, you must request updated reference letters from three individuals. In this example, the three outdated
reference letters in your NCEES record would not be accepted. It is your responsibility to contact NCEES and have your council record
sent to North Dakota.
d. Refer to the instructions for completing the Reference Letter Form B.

4. Education
a. Provide, in chronological order, the name and location of each school you have attended.
b. Indicate the duration of time you spent in each school.
c. If you graduated from the school, provide the date of your graduation.
d. List any degrees received from each school.
e. Official transcripts of all courses and grades of colleges, universities, or technical schools attended are required. The transcript must be
sent to the Board office directly from the issuing university or arrive in a sealed envelope with the university registrar’s seal or signature.
f. If you are using an NCEES record, the transcripts from that record will suffice provided that they show the date of graduation and what
degree was conferred. You must list the schools you attended in this section. Do not leave it blank or reference the NCEES record.

5. Previous Registrations
a. Provide the names of any other jurisdictions in which you hold or have held a valid registration. Please list the jurisdiction of your original
registration first. . You must list your other registrations in this section. Do not leave it blank or reference the NCEES record.
b. Indicate the year of first registration for each jurisdiction.
c. “How registered” means whether you were registered by taking the Principles & Practice examination, comity, reciprocity, endorsement,
etc, or if a grandfather clause was in effect. If an oral examination was conducted by the Board as part of your registration in that
jurisdiction, please indicate so.
d. Indicate whether your license in that jurisdiction is active or lapsed.
e. If you have taken the Fundamentals examination, please provide the date and the state in which it was taken.

6. Technical and Other Examinations
a. If you have taken any technical examinations for trade certification, please list.
b. If you have taken any state specific examinations as part of the registration process in that jurisdiction, please list.

7. Experience Record
If you are applying for both a PE and PLS license or if you already have a license and are applying for a second one, you must use the “Dual
Registrant” experience record form located on our web site.
a. Beginning with the date you received your university degree, list each work engagement you have had. Show the title of position, name
of employer, and character of each engagement. This must be a detailed statement as to the duties performed, degree of responsibility,
and character of work. If necessary, attach additional sheets. Inadequate experience descriptions are a frequent cause for deferral of
b. Provide name, title, address, telephone number, state of professional engineering registration, and registration number of the supervisor
for each engagement.
c. When calculating time in columns 1 – 5, follow the instruction on Form A carefully.
d. All time must be accounted for and be current to the date of the application! Make certain that there are no time gaps in your
experience record even if that time is a period of non-professional work, unemployment, or even a short time gap during the transition
period from one place of employment to another.
e. If you are using an NCEES record, type, “Refer to NCEES record” in engagement A. If the experience record contained in your NCEES
Record is not current to the date of the application, you must complete the experience record in the application to bring your record up
to date. For example, if the last date entry in your NCEES Experience Record is “June 2007”, you must complete the experience record in
the application from “June 2007” to present. The annual renewal forms, “Update” forms and the “Engineering and Related Experience”
forms used by NCEES to update your experience in the NCEES record are not acceptable to the North Dakota Board without a current
Experience Record form.

8. Code of Ethics
a. Your professional practice in North Dakota is bound not only by statutes and rules, but also by the Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is
located in North Dakota Administrative Code § 28-03.1-01-01. Read the Code of Ethics carefully. When you have read the Code of Ethics,
sign your name on the line provided.

9. Affidavit
a. Answer yes or no. If you have had any form of sanction in any jurisdiction, please attach a statement giving full details and include any
correspondence from the jurisdiction that imposed the sanction.
b. Answer yes or no. If you answer yes, you must include a statement that explains the details of the conviction. Include all
criminal convictions including DUI’s. Also include non-felony convictions such as Minor in Consumption, open container, petty theft,
possession, etc.
c. When you are satisfied that all information in your application is true and accurate, sign your name to the application in the presence of a
notary public. Be sure the notary seals the affidavit.
d. All signatures must be original and in blue or black ink.
e. If you are using an NCEES record, you must still sign the application and have it notarized

Instructions for Reference Letter Form B
1. On the first blank line on page 1 of Form B, type your name and the profession (Professional Engineer or Professional Land Surveyor) in
which you are seeking registration. The remainder of page 1 is to be completed by your references.
2. On the reverse side of the form, enter your name on the top line. Complete the remainder of the form giving a detailed description of
each term of employment with the beginning and ending month and year. The experience must include all of the information you
furnished on Form A in Section 7 “Experience Record”. If the experience record submitted on Form A is of such length that the record
cannot be typed on the back of Reference Letter Form B, use additional sheets.
3. Each professional reference must initial that part of your experience record with which the reference has personal knowledge. Failure of
the reference to initial that portion of the experience listed with which the reference has personal knowledge will result in voiding the
opinion of that reference. Be sure to tell your references to initial the form. Reference letters that are not initialed is a frequent cause
for deferral of applications.
4. All time must be accounted for to the date of the application! Make certain that there are no time gaps in your experience record even
if that time is a period of non-professional work, unemployment, or even a short time gap during the transition period from one place of
employment to another.
5. Make five (5) copies of the completed Reference Letter Form B.
6. Send the forms directly to the references listed on Form A, Section 3 along with a stamped envelope addressed to the Board. The
references are to return the completed Reference Letter Form B directly to the Board office.


Instructions for Verification of Registration Form C
The North Dakota Board requires verification of your successful completion of the NCEES or state licensure examinations. Only the state in which
you took the examinations can make this verification. Follow the instructions below to complete the Verification of Registration form, send it to
the verifying state, and have the verification form sent to the North Dakota Board. Your application is not complete and will not be sent to the
Board for review without the appropriate verification form(s). If you are submitting an NCEES record, you do not need to complete Form C; it is
contained within your council record. Many states are now participating in an electronic verification system. Log in to your “My NCEES” account
at to initiate an electronic verification request. If you request verification electronically, you do not need to complete form C.
1. In the upper right hand corner, fill in your name, address, and date of birth.
2. If you took the Fundamentals exam and the Principles and Practice exam in different states, make a copy of the form and prepare a
separate verification form for each state.
3. On the left side under “From:”, fill in the name and address of the state board(s) from which you are requesting verification of your
4. Under “I.”, check the appropriate lines for the type of registration you hold in that state.
5. Contact the board(s) from which you are requesting verification to find out if they charge a fee for completing verification forms. Send
the form to the board per their instructions with the correct fee, if required. It is your responsibility to pay any required fees and
complete the process to request verification.
6. Request that the completed verification be sent to the North Dakota Board of Registration. The North Dakota Board will not accept a
verification form from an individual. The verification must be mailed directly from the state that is making the verification.
7. The North Dakota Board office will add the verification form to your application file.
8. If you took any NCEES examination in North Dakota, mark it in Section 5 on Form A. You do not need to send Form D to the North
Dakota board office. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



All licenses expire on December 31st of an even number year regardless of the point in the biennial period at which you become

Required Attachments:

a. Completed application, signed and notarized
b. Signed Code of Ethics statement
c. Official college transcripts sent directly from the university or in a sealed envelope bearing the university registrar’s seal or
d. Five completed reference letter forms; signed, dated and initialed where appropriate. Reference letters must be sent directly
to the Board office by the reference.
e. A verification of examinations from the jurisdiction in which you took your examinations. The verification form must come
directly from the verifying Board.
f. An NCEES Record if applicable. Review the appropriate instructions.
g. Appropriate registration fee payable to “ND State Board of Registration”. 

Registration Renewal


Personal License Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or email.

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of even-numbered years. Licenses issued in the 4th quarter of renewal years are exempt from the first renewal period.


$200.00 if mailed after December 31st

North Dakota Professional Land Surveyor License

Agency:North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors

Initial Registration


Professional Land Surveyor Application

Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Reciprocal Registration


Professional Land Surveyor Application (Endorsement)

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Personal License Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or email.

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of even-numbered years. Licenses issued in the 4th quarter of renewal years are exempt from the first renewal period.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

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