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Registered Agent Service

Order $89 to $99 registered agent service online for immediate access to our address and state forms. No additional charges.

Answered—Can a Registered Agent Be Held Liable?

- Rated 4.2/5 by 143 clients on Google

Your business must appoint a registered agent to receive documents in legal matters, including notice of lawsuit. Our reliable registered agent service fulfills this requirement. You get:

  • Same-day documents from our local offices in all 50 states.
  • Immediate online access to state forms with our address and, where required, our signature
  • Annual fees from $89Multi-Year Discount to $99 /year per state with no additional charges
A preview of our Registered Agent software
Registered Agent Education
State Information
Local Names
USA Registered AgentResident AgentStatutory AgentLLC Registered AgentNonprofit Registered Agent
Special Agency
Charitable Registered AgentBOC-3 Process AgentD.C. FCC Appointment

A registered agent is a crucial partner in your business operations. Their role may be as simple as receiving and forwarding legal documents and government notices from the secretary of state, but any omission by your resident agent can have several legal implications.

So, what happens when a business suffers legal consequences due to a mistake made by its agent? Can a registered agent be held liable?

This guide will explain the responsibilities of a resident agent and the circumstances under which they can be held liable. You’ll also learn about Harbor Compliance, a reliable and trustworthy resident agent service provider that can help you stay on top of legal obligations.

What Is the Role of a Registered Agent in Your Business?

The primary role of a registered agent is to receive legal documents and official government communications and forward them to your business.

The agent is vital in preventing potential fines or even default judgments against your business. By providing a reliable channel for official communication, the agent enables your organization to respond effectively to legal and administrative matters.

Legal Obligations

The primary legal obligation of your registered is to serve as the official point of contact for your business. They receive different types of documents, including:

  • Service of process notices, such as lawsuits and subpoenas
  • Correspondence from the secretary of state
  • Other government notifications

A resident agent must ensure the documents reach you promptly, helping maintain your right to due process.

An agent is also legally required to have a physical address in the state where your business is registered. It must be a street address—not a P.O. Box or virtual office. They must be physically present in the registered office throughout normal business, ensuring there’s always a reliable channel for your business to receive important legal and tax documents.

Note that the registered agent’s address is a matter of public record. If your agent changes their address, they’re required to inform you. In that case, you must inform the secretary of state about the change as soon as possible.

Does a Registered Agent Have Liability?

A registered agent can be held liable, but only under specific circumstances. An agent’s liability is typically tied to their failure to meet legal obligations, including the following:

  1. Failure to receive legal notices
  2. Delayed legal notice submissions or submissions to the wrong person
  3. Lack of a physical address
  4. Failure to inform about a change of address
  5. Misrepresentation during appointment

Failure To Receive Legal Notices

If your registered agent is unavailable to receive legal documents at their registered office during regular business hours, your organization could miss important notices, which can lead to a loss of good standing with the state.

Harbor Compliance uploads and forwards documents the same day they’re received, ensuring you reliably receive important notices.

Delayed Legal Notice Submissions or Submissions to the Wrong Person

A resident agent’s responsibilities include receiving legal documents and forwarding them to you on time. Delays and submissions to the wrong person can cause you to miss important deadlines or fail to respond to notices promptly.

Harbor Compliance ensures that this doesn’t happen by processing and forwarding the notices to you the same day they are received.

Lack of a Physical Address

If your statutory agent uses a P.O. Box or mail forwarding service instead of a physical address, they’re not fulfilling their obligations. Such an oversight could invalidate their role as a registered agent and expose your business to risks like default judgments, penalties, and even administrative dissolution by the state.

Harbor Compliance has a registered office in every state, which can help you meet registered agent address requirements across all U.S. states.

Failure To Inform About a Change of Address

As a business owner, you must inform the secretary of state or equivalent office immediately if your resident agent changes their physical address. To ensure your business remains on top of its obligations, your agent should notify you about the change.

Harbor Compliance has a robust system in place to ensure any address changes are promptly reported. As a commercial agent provider, we can make a blanket filing that updates the address for all our clients, absolving them of that responsibility.

Misrepresentation During Appointment

Misrepresentation means knowingly and willfully providing false or misleading information or concealing important facts. It could involve a registered agent providing incorrect details about their qualifications, experience, or physical address.

Why Should a Registered Agent Have Liability?

Holding an agent accountable is crucial for several reasons, the main ones being:

  • Diligence and responsibility—If an agent knows they can be held liable for negligence, they’re more likely to be meticulous in their work.
  • Protection for your business—When a resident agent receives and forwards legal documents promptly, your business is safeguarded from fines, penalties, or even dissolution.
  • Professionalism and dependability—An agent handles sensitive documents, so holding them accountable ensures only those who are serious about the role and its responsibilities can offer the service.

Harbor Compliance uses a robust system to ensure your legal documents and government notices are handled with utmost care and professionalism, exemplifying the qualities of a dependable agent.

Choose the Right Registered Agent To Protect Your Business From Liability

To avoid the potential legal risks associated with having a registered agent who doesn’t fulfill their duty, you should exercise due diligence before appointing one. A reliable agent can help protect your business from liability, meet state requirements, and provide peace of mind.

Should You Be Your Own Registered Agent?

Even though you can, being your own registered agent is not recommended. The downsides of being your own agent include:

  • Limited flexibility—It requires you to be available at the registered office throughout regular business hours, or you might miss an important notice, which can have severe consequences.
  • Loss of privacy—Once you appoint yourself as your own resident agent, your address becomes a public record, which has several downsides, from receiving junk mail to being served at home or your place of work.
  • Geographical limitations—One of the requirements for being a registered agent is residing in the represented entity’s state. If you serve as your own agent, you won’t be able to appoint yourself in case you want to expand your organization into another jurisdiction.

Even if you choose another individual (e.g., an employee, friend, or family member) as your agent, these downsides still apply if they’re not fully committed or equipped to handle the role’s responsibilities.

This is why appointing an organization serving as a registered agent (known as a commercial agent) is a much safer option. These organizations have trained staff and systems in place to help prevent such omissions and ensure you never miss an important notice.

If you need a trustworthy and reliable partner, Harbor Compliance is an excellent option.

Comprehensive Registered Service by Harbor Compliance

Harbor Compliance offers a Registered Agent Service to help your business meet regulatory obligations. Our team of experts is always available to receive legal documents in our local registered offices, ensuring you stay on top of all correspondence.

Once we receive the documents, we process and forward them to you electronically on the same day. We’ll also send you an email with a link directing you to the secure Client Portal to review the notice.

In case of litigation, we’ll also call the appropriate person in your organization to ensure you’ve received the notice, helping protect your business from penalties and default judgments.

We also offer additional solutions to help you meet other legal obligations. The table below shows some of our ancillary services:

Category Services
Document filing and retrieval
Business Licensing
Lifecycle support
Beneficial ownership information reporting
Tax services
Nonprofit services

Appointing Yourself vs. Harbor Compliance as Your Registered Agent

Our comprehensive Registered Agent Service eliminates the downside of appointing yourself or another individual as your resident agent. Partnering with us comes with many benefits, including:

  • Reliability—Our dedicated experts are always available at our local offices, ensuring you receive legal notices promptly.
  • Expertise—Our team possesses knowledge of the relevant state laws and filing requirements and can pinpoint the specific conditions you should meet, helping you stay on top of legal obligations.
  • Privacy—Engaging with us keeps your home address off public records.
  • Peace of mind—With Harbor Compliance as your resident agent, you can focus more on running and growing your business while we handle your service of process needs.
  • Multistate presence—We have registered offices in all U.S. states and territories, simplifying the process of appointing us in multiple jurisdictions.

How To Appoint Harbor Compliance as Your Registered Agent

You can appoint Harbor Compliance as your registered agent in three scenarios:

  1. Forming a new entity
  2. Expanding into a new state
  3. Changing your resident agent

Forming a New Entity

If you’re forming a new organization and want a seamless process, you can pick from our three entity formation services:

  1. Incorporation
  2. LLC formation
  3. Nonprofit formation

Once you select the service that meets your needs, we’ll handle the rest of the process, including filing the necessary documents and appointing Harbor Compliance as your registered agent.

If you want to file the statutory documents in-house, you can order Our Registered Agent Service separately and appoint us in three simple steps:

  1. Sign up for the service.
  2. Log into the Client Portal to find the address of our local office and pre-filled forms.
  3. Fill out the required forms and submit them to the office of the secretary of state or the relevant regulatory body.

Expanding Into a New State

Growing your business and expanding into a new state is easier said than done due to differences in regulatory requirements.

The good news is that with our Foreign Qualification Service, you can expedite the process. Complete the signup wizard, and we’ll file the required paperwork and help you get a certificate of authority.

If you choose the package, we’ll also provide our Registered Agent Service for one year at no extra cost.

Changing Your Resident Agent

If you’re considering changing your registered agent to reduce potential liabilities, you can partner with us. Order our Registered Agent Service and select Add Change of Agent Service during checkout. Once you complete the pre-filled form, we’ll submit it to the relevant state agency, allowing you to proceed with other urgent business operations.

Registered Agent FAQs

Below, you’ll find answers to commonly asked registered agent questions. If you need additional guidance, visit our robust Information Center.

Your accountant can be your registered agent as long as they meet specific criteria. They must be a legal adult, have a physical address in the state where your business is registered, and be present at the registered office during regular business hours. However, appointing a registered agent service provider like Harbor Compliance is a much safer option.

A registered agent doesn’t have to be an attorney. You can appoint an employee, friend, relative, third-party organization, and even yourself as your registered agent, provided the state requirements are met. If you want a reliable registered agent, though, you can’t go wrong with Harbor Compliance.

The penalties for not having a registered agent can be severe, including restrictions from registering your business with the state, inability to expand into new states, revocation of certificate of authority, and even administrative dissolution.

You should always maintain a resident agent to ensure your business remains in good standing with the state.

Engage With Harbor Compliance as Your Registered Agent

Whether you’re just starting your business or expanding it into another state, you can count on Harbor Compliance. Order our Registered Agent Service and have peace of mind knowing our team of professionals will receive and forward important legal documents promptly, helping protect your business from statutory liability.

If you need to uncover and address other legal issues without delay, leverage our free Harbor Compliance Score™. For a more comprehensive solution to managing your regulatory duties, consider our advanced compliance platform. Book a demonstration to see it in operation.

If you’re interested in our ancillary services, reach out, and we’ll provide comprehensive information to help you make the appropriate choice based on your business needs.

To learn more about registered agent requirements in U.S. states and territories, refer to the table below:

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