Minnesota Attorney General - Charities Division
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Minnesota Attorney General - Charities Division. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
445 Minnesota Street
Suite 1200
St. Paul, MN 55101-2130
Phone: (651) 757-1496 or (800) 657-3787
Web: Home Name search
Email: charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us
We track the following licenses with the Minnesota Attorney General - Charities Division in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
Minnesota Charitable Organization Registration
Agency: | Minnesota Attorney General - Charities Division |
Law: | |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
One-Time Exemption Registration
Exemption Eligible Organizations: |
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Email to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us. |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Law: | |
Notes: |
Initial Registration
Form: | Charitable Organization Initial Registration & Annual Report Form |
Instructions: | File initial registration or exemption. See Initial Registration Instructions and Information for Charitable Organizations and Trusts. |
Filing Method: | Email to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us. |
Agency Fee: | $25 |
Turnaround: | 2-3 weeks |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Not required |
Notes: |
Before you Apply: | All Applicants:
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Form: | Charitable Organization Initial Registration & Annual Report Form |
Filing Method: | Email to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us. |
Agency Fee: | $25 |
Due: | Annually by the 15th day of the 7th month following the close of the charity's fiscal year. If your fiscal calendar ends on December 31, then the renewal is due by July 15. |
Due Date Extension: | Due dates can be extended for 4 months beyond the original due date by submitting a request for extension through the online portal. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Not required |
Penalties: | There is a $50 late fee. |
Notes: |
Required Attachments: |
Contract Filing
Filing Method: | Email to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us. |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | Within 7 days of entering into the contract with a Professional Fundraiser |
Not required
Formal reinstatement is not required. Charities who wish to renew a lapsed registration should submit a renewal filing and include financials for each year not registered. They must pay the renewal fee and $50 late fee.
Change of Fiscal Year
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Notes: | Fiscal year can be changed during the standard renewal process. |
Filing Method: | Email to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us. |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Notes: | To close out your registration, send a letter indicating that your organization wishes to cancel its registration. No final report or renewal is required. |
A professional fundraiser is any person who, for compensation or profit, performs for a charitable organization any service in connection with which contributions are, or will be, solicited. This includes any person who plans, manages, advises, consults, or prepares material for or with respect to the solicitation of contributions.
Solicitor vs. Consultant. Professional fundraisers are treated differently depending on whether they are involved in soliciting contributions or only consult or assist a charity without soliciting. Soliciting professional fundraisers are those who request, either directly or indirectly, a contribution to the charity. The terms “solicit” and “solicitation” are very broadly defined under Minnesota law. They include not only written and verbal requests for contributions, but also advertising for charitable events and the sale of goods or services that benefit a charity (among other things). See Minn. Stat. § 309.50, subd. 10. A consulting professional fundraiser is not involved in soliciting contributions in any manner. A consulting professional fundraiser instead, for example, advises the charity on how to run its own solicitation campaign or prepares materials that the charity will use to solicit on its own.
Minnesota Professional Fundraiser Registration
Agency: | Minnesota Attorney General - Charities Division |
Bond Requirements: | A $20,000 surety bond is required for entities with custody of or access to contributions. |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Instructions: | Emaili to charity.registration@ag.state.mn.us |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $200 |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Not required |
Notes: |
Before you Apply: |
Required Attachments: |
Bond Amount: | $20,000 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $200 |
Due: | Annually by April 30. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Not required |
Contract Filing
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | File a solicitation notice before beginning a new campaign. |
Financial Reporting
Form: | Professional Fundraiser Solicitation Campaign Financial Report |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | Within 90 days after a campaign has ended and within 90 days after the anniversary of commencement for campaigns lasting more than a year. |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
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