Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
1700 W. Washington St. Ste 105
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 542-1525
Fax: (602) 542-1599
Web: Home Name search
We track the following licenses with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
Arizona Dual Building Contractor License (KB-1)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Dual Engineering License (KA)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Dual Residential and Small Contractor License (KB-2)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Dual Swimming Pool Contractor Including Solar License (KA-6)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Dual Swimming Pool Contractor License (KA-5)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Asphalt Paving License (A-14)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Drilling License (A-4)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Electrical and Transmission Lines License (A-17)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Excavating, Grading and Oil Surfacing License (A-5)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Piers and Foundations License (A-7)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Seal Coating License (A-15)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Sewers, Drains and Pipe Laying License (A-12)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Steel and Aluminum Erection License (A-11)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Swimming Pools License (A-9)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Swimming Pools, Including Solar License (A-19)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Engineering Contracting Waterworks License (A-16)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Commercial Contractor License (B-1)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Application for a New Qualifying Party
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $100 |
Due: | If a person who qualified for a license ceases to be connected with the licensee, both the licensee and the qualifying party must notify the registrar in writing within 15 days after the disassociation. A licensee must requalify through another qualifying party within 60 days after the departure of their previous qualifying party. |
Law: | |
Notes: | If you are replacing the Qualifying Party for more than one license, you must complete a separate Application for a New Qualifying Party for each license. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Engineering License (A)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Remodeling and Repair Contractor License (B-3)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Residential Contractor License (B)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment = $590 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Residential Engineering Contractor License (B-4)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Small Commercial Contractor License (B-2)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $580 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $580 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Swimming Pool Contractor License (B-5)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona General Swimming Pool Contractor, Including Solar License (B-6)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Other General Dual Engineering License (KE)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Other General Dual License (KO)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $200 application fee + $480 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Pre-Manufactured Spas and Hot Tubs License (B-10)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 application fee + $320 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $320 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Acoustical Systems License (C-1)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Including Solar License (C-79)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Air Conditioning and Refrigeration License (C-39)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Appliances License (C-63)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Awnings, Canopies, Carports and Patio Covers License (C-3)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Blasting License (C-15)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Boilers, Steamfitting and Process Piping License (C-4)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Boilers, Steamfitting and Process Piping, Including Solar License (C-74)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Carpentry License (C-7)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Carpentry, Remodeling and Repairs License (C-61)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Ceramic, Plastic and Metal Tile License (C-48)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Comfort Heating, Ventilating, Evaporative Cooling License (C-58)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Commercial, Industrial Refrigeration License (C-49)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Concrete License (C-9)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Drywall License (C-10)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Electrical License (C-11)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Elevators License (C-12)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Fencing License (C-14)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Finish Carpentry License (C-60)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Fire Protection Systems License (C-16)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Floor Covering License (C-8)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Glazing License (C-65)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Hardscaping and Irrigation Systems License (C-21)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Insulation License (C-40)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Lightweight Partitions License (C-27)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Low Voltage Communication Systems License (C-67)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Masonry License (C-31)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Ornamental Metals License (C-24)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Painting and Wall Covering License (C-34)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Plastering License (C-36)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Plumbing Including Solar License (C-77)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Plumbing License (C-37)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Reinforcing Bar and Wire Mesh License (C-70)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Roofing License (C-42)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Septic Tanks and Systems License (C-41)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Sheet Metal License (C-45)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Signs License (C-38)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Solar Plumbing Liquid Systems Only License (C-78)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Swimming Pool Service and Repair License (C-6)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Water Conditioning Equipment License (C-54)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Water Well Drilling License (C-53)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Welding License (C-56)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Commercial Wrecking License (C-57)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $480 license fee. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $480 |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Acoustical Systems License (CR-1)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Including Solar License (CR-79)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Air Conditioning and Refrigeration License (CR-39)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Appliances License (CR-63)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Asphalt Paving License (CR-69)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Awnings, Canopies, Carport and Patio Covers License (CR-3)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Blasting License (CR-15)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Boilers, Steamfitting and Process Piping License (CR-4)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Boilers, Steamfitting and Processpiping, Including Solar License (CR-74)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Carpentry License (CR-7)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Carpentry, Remodeling and Repairs License (CR-61)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Ceramic, Plastic and Metal Tile License (CR-48)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Comfort Heating, Ventilating, Evaporative Cooling License (CR-58)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Concrete License (CR-9)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Drywall License (CR-10)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Electrical License (CR-11)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Elevators License (CR-12)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Excavating, Grading and Oil Surfacing License (CR-2)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Fencing License (CR-14)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Finish Carpentry License (CR-60)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Fire Protection Systems License (CR-16)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Floor Covering License (CR-8)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Glazing License (CR-65)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Hardscaping and Irrigation Systems License (CR-21)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Insulation License (CR-40)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Low Voltage Communication Systems License (CR-67)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Machinery License (CR-29)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Masonry License (CR-31)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Ornamental Metals License (CR-24)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Painting and Wall Covering License (CR-34)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Plastering License (CR-36)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Plumbing Including Solar License (CR-77)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Plumbing License (CR-37)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Reinforcing Bar and Wire Mesh License (CR-62)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Reinforcing Bar and Wire Mesh License (CR-70)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Roofing License (CR-42)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Seal Coating License (CR-66)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Septic Tanks and Systems License (CR-41)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Sewers, Drains and Pipe Laying License (CR-80)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Sheet Metal License (CR-45)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Signs License (CR-38)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Solar Plumbing Liquid Systems Only License (CR-78)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Steel and Aluminum Erection License (CR-17)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Swimming Pool Service and Repair License (CR-6)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Water Conditioning Equipment License (CR-54)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Water Well Drilling License (CR-53)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Welding License (CR-56)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Dual Wrecking License (CR-57)
Agency: | Arizona Registrar of Contractors |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Insurance Requirements: | Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage. |
Bond Requirements: | Dual license bond amounts are the combined amount required for residential and commercial classifications. See the Bond Information table for details. |
Exam Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $100 application fee + $380 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $380 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Acoustical Systems License (R-1)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Including Solar License (R-39)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Appliances License (R-63)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Asphalt Paving License (R-13)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Awnings, Canopies, Carports and Patio Covers License (R-3)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Blasting License (R-15)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Boilers, Steamfitting and Process Piping License (R-4)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Carpentry License (R-7)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Carpentry, Remodeling and Repairs License (R-61)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Ceramic, Plastic and Metal Tile License (R-48)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Concrete License (R-9)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Drilling License (R-53)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Drywall License (R-10)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Electrical License (R-11)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Elevators License (R-12)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Excavating, Grading and Oil Surfacing License (R-2)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Fencing License (R-14)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Finish Carpentry License (R-60)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Fire Protection Systems License (R-16)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Floor Covering License (R-8)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Glazing License (R-65)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Hardscaping and Irrigation Systems License (R-21)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential House Moving License (R-22)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Insulation License (R-40)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Low Voltage Communication Systems License (R-67)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Masonry License (R-31)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Minor Home Improvements License (R-62)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Ornamental Metals License (R-24)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Painting and Wall Covering License (R-34)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Plastering License (R-36)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Plumbing, Including Solar License (R-37)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Reinforcing Bar and Wire Mesh License (R-70)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Roofing License (R-42)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Septic Tanks and Systems License (R-41)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Sheet Metal License (R-45)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Signs License (R-38)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Structural Steel and Aluminum License (R-17)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Swimming Pool Service and Repair License (R-6)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Water Conditioning Equipment License (R-54)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Welding License (R-56)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Arizona Specialty Residential Wrecking License (R-57)
Initial Registration
Form: | Licensing Applications (select the appropriate form for your entity type) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $80 application fee + $270 license fee + $370 recovery fund assessment. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Notarization Required?: | Required |
How to Apply: | Domestic Applicants:
Foreign Applicants:
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $270 license fee + $270 recovery fund assessment. |
Due: | Biennially by the date of issuance. |
Notes: | In order to file a renewal, firms must provide their estimated annual revenue in Arizona. |
Required Attachments: |
Related Government Agencies
Explore other Arizona government agencies we can help you stay compliant with:
- Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
- Arizona Corporation Commission - Corporations Division
- Arizona Corporation Commission, Utilities Division
- Arizona Department of Economic Security
- Arizona Department of Gaming
- Arizona Department of Housing - Office of Manufactured Housing
- Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions - Real Estate Appraisal Division
- Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions - Financial Division
- Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions - Insurance Division
- Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control
- Arizona Department of Public Safety
- Arizona Department of Real Estate
- Arizona Department of Revenue
- Arizona Department of Revenue - Bingo Section
- Arizona Department of Transportation - Motor Vehicle Division
- Arizona Secretary of State - Apostille Department
- Arizona Secretary of State - Business Services Division
- Arizona State Board of Accountancy
- Arizona State Board of Nursing
- Arizona State Board of Pharmacy
- Arizona State Board of Technical Registration
- Industrial Commission of Arizona