Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

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Nonprofit organizations are required to comply with a number of charitable registration requirements. Solicitation requirements are regulated at the state level, so requirements vary by location.

If your nonprofit is looking to hire a professional fundraiser to solicit donations, both parties must comply with charitable registration laws. One of the elements of charitable compliance is fundraising disclosures. Keep reading to learn more.

What is a Professional Fundraiser or Fundraising Consultant?

States define professional fundraising differently, but the Model Charitable Solicitations Act lays out the general idea. According to that act, a fundraising consultant is a person who is compensated for soliciting donations for a charitable organization.

A professional solicitor is not a lawyer, investment counselor, or banker who advises a person to make a donation. Neither are salaried officers, employees, or volunteers.

Before a nonprofit organization hires a professional fundraiser, the organization needs to ensure they will be working with a reputable firm or individual. To do that, charities can check with their state regulator to ensure the professional fundraiser is properly registered and licensed based on state requirements.

In the majority of states, individual professional fundraisers are required to register with the state charity regulator, which is often a charities division with the Secretary of State office. Some states also require solicitors to file copies of contracts they’ve entered into with charities. There are also similar requirements for fundraising consultant companies.

What are Professional Fundraising Disclosures?

A number of states require fundraising disclosures on all written mail sent to potential donors. Disclosures are necessary for oral solicitations, as well.

A typical disclosure includes the name of the organization the solicitor is representing, along with applicable contact information, a description of the charity’s purpose or program, and whether donations could be deducted as a charitable contribution.

While the standard disclosure often satisfies state requirements, some states also require nonprofit organizations and professional fundraisers to provide information to prospective donors regarding how they can obtain a copy of financial filings made with the state.

Why Are Professional Solicitation Disclosures Important?

The importance of professional fundraising disclosures is multifaceted. Not only do those disclosures build trust in donors, but they also ensure organizations increase and maintain transparency with state regulatory agencies.

Organizations unaware of charitable solicitation disclosure requirements could face consequences if they attempt to solicit donations, with or without a professional fundraiser. Examples of risks include the following:

  • Investigations. If a state regulator suspects a nonprofit organization has failed to comply with legal requirements, it can initiate investigations that could result in a range of enforcement actions.
  • Monetary penalties. States can levy fines against nonprofit organizations, individual board members, and professional solicitors for failing to include required solicitation disclosures.
  • Personal liability. Senior staff members and board members can be held legally responsible if they knowingly fail to comply with disclosure requirements.
  • Loss of solicitation abilities. Ignoring state solicitation disclosure requirements can lead to an organization losing its ability to fundraise.
  • Loss of state recognition. A nonprofit organization could face loss of tax-exempt recognition and have to pay state income tax on all revenue for failing to comply with requirements.

Professional Fundraising Disclosures by State

When evaluating state requirements for professional fundraiser disclosures, it’s important to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply to your situation. In addition, state laws often change, so it can be challenging to stay on top of your obligations. Below, you’ll find all of the information you need regarding fundraising disclosures throughout the United States.


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(p) Every individual in the process of soliciting funds shall identify himself or herself. If the individual is being paid for soliciting, he or she shall so inform the solicitee of his or her being so paid. This information shall be disclosed to the solicitee in a clear manner before attempting any solicitations.

AL Code § 13A-9-71(p)


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Except as provided by AS 45.68.040, before soliciting a contribution, a paid solicitor shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the following information to the person being solicited:
(1) the true name of the individual making the solicitation;
(2) the true name of the charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made;
(3) the true name of the paid solicitor;
(4) the true name of the person who is employing and compensating the individual making the solicitation if the individual is employed for compensation to make the solicitation;
(5) whether the individual making the solicitation is being paid for making the solicitation or is an unpaid volunteer;
(6) the name and physical address of the principal headquarters of the charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made;
(7) a description of how and where the charitable contributions raised by the paid solicitor are to be utilized for the charitable purpose; and
(8) that a financial statement of the charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract required under AS 45.68.020 will be provided upon request.

AS § 45.68.030


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) It is an unlawful practice for any person to solicit or request contributions when any part of the proceeds is pledged to be given to a charitable organization or solicited for a charitable purpose unless:

(1) The person discloses to each party solicited and to every purchaser, prior to accepting funds, the identity of the person responsible for soliciting the funds and whether any compensation is received for those services;
(2) Whether soliciting by telephone, by mail, or by any other means, the person clearly and unambiguously discloses to each party and every purchaser, at the time or point of solicitation, his or her professional status; and
(3) Upon request by a solicited party, the person truthfully and accurately discloses the percentage of funds raised which is being paid to the solicitor, either directly or as reimbursement of costs, and what percentage will be ultimately retained by the charity.

A.C.A. § 4-28-409


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) An individual, corporation, or other legal entity who for compensation solicits funds or other property in this state for charitable purposes shall disclose prior to an oral solicitation or sales solicitation made by direct personal contact, radio, television, telephone, or over the Internet, or at the same time as a written solicitation or sales solicitation:

(1) That the solicitation or sales solicitation is being conducted by a commercial fundraiser for charitable purposes.
(2) The name of the commercial fundraiser for charitable purposes as registered with the Attorney General pursuant to Section 12599 of the Government Code.

(b) The disclosures required pursuant to this section, if printed or if presented electronically, shall be in at least 12-point type, and shall be clear and conspicuous, as defined in Section 17601.

California Business and Professions Code § 17510.85


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) A paid solicitor who makes an oral solicitation by telephone, door-to-door, or otherwise must furnish to each contributor, prior to collecting or attempting to collect any contribution, a written confirmation of the expected contribution, which confirmation shall contain the following information clearly and conspicuously:

(a) The full legal name, address, telephone number, and registration number of the employer of the individual paid solicitor who directly communicated with the contributor;
(b) A disclosure that the contribution is not tax-deductible, if such disclosure is applicable, or, if the solicitor maintains that the contribution is tax-deductible in whole or in part, the portion of the contribution that the solicitor maintains is tax-deductible;
(c) A disclosure in capital letters of no less than ten-point, bold-faced type identifying the paid solicitor as a paid solicitor and containing the statement: "Registration by the secretary of state is not an endorsement of either the paid solicitor or the organization or cause the solicitor represents.";
(d) The address and telephone number of the telephone room or other location from which the solicitation has been or is being conducted if such information is different than that which is provided pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (1); except that this information is not required to be provided if telephone solicitations are being conducted from more than one location and from the residences of the individual paid solicitor;
(e) The name, address, telephone number, and registration number of any charitable organization connected with the solicitation or any organization the name or symbol of which has been used in aid of or in the course of such solicitation;
(f) The amount of any expected monetary contribution;
(g) The name and address of the contributor, as well as the date of the individual solicitation, or spaces where this information may be filled in by the contributor;
(h) A statement that Colorado residents may obtain copies of registration and financial documents from the office of the secretary of state, with the website address for obtaining such documents from the secretary of state.

(2) If the contributor is absent when the contribution is to be collected, the paid solicitor may comply with subsection (1) of this section by furnishing the written confirmation in a manner previously agreed upon between said solicitor and the contributor.
(3) Except for the amount of the expected contribution, a written solicitation shall contain the same information as is required in subsection (1) of this section.

C.R.S. 6-16-105


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(e) A paid solicitor shall, prior to orally requesting a contribution, and at the same time at which a written request for a contribution is made, clearly and conspicuously disclose at the point of solicitation such solicitor's name as on file with the department, the fact that such solicitor is a paid solicitor and the percentage of the gross revenue which the charitable organization shall receive as identified in subsection (d) of this section.

Connecticut General Statutes § 21a-190f


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

§ 2595 Unlawful practices

(a) The act, use or employment by any person of any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, misrepresentation or the concealment, suppression or omission of any material fact with the intent that others rely upon such concealment, suppression or omission in connection with a charitable solicitation, whether or not any person has in fact been misled, deceived or damaged thereby.

(b) Such acts or practices shall include, but are not limited to, any 1 of the following:

(1) The failure of any person to identify himself or herself by name prior to making a charitable solicitation;
(2) The failure of a person to identify the charitable/fraternal organization for which the charitable/fraternal solicitation is being made or the charitable/fraternal purpose of the solicitation prior to making the solicitation;
(3) If the solicitation is made by a professional solicitor, the failure to disclose that the person soliciting the contribution is, or is employed by, a professional solicitor and the identity of the professional solicitor;
(4) Upon request by the person being solicited, the failure of any person to disclose the amount/percentage of the contribution that will be turned over to the charitable/fraternal organization, the amount/percentage of the contribution to be used for the charitable/fraternal purposes for which it is being solicited or the amount/percentage to be retained by the professional solicitor. To the extent the amount/percentage of the contribution to be turned over to the charitable/fraternal organization is not known at the time of the solicitation, the person shall disclose a good faith estimate of the percentage/amount of the contribution to be turned over to the charitable/fraternal organization;

6 Del. C. § 2595

District of Columbia

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) No individual shall solicit in the District of Columbia unless he exhibits a solicitor information card or a copy thereof, produced and authenticated as provided in regulations made pursuant to this chapter, and reads it to the person solicited, or presents it to said person for his perusal, allowing him sufficient opportunity to read such card before accepting any contribution so solicited.

(b) No individual shall solicit in the District of Columbia by printed matter or published article, or over the radio, television, telephone, or telegraph, unless such publicity shall contain the data and information required to be set forth on the solicitor information card; provided, that when any solicitation is made by telephone, the solicitor shall present to each person who consents or indicates a willingness to contribute, prior to accepting a contribution from said person, such solicitor information card or a copy thereof produced and authenticated as provided in regulations made pursuant to this chapter.

Each solicitor information card shall be serially numbered and shall bear following information:

- The name and address of the solicitor;
- The number of certificate of registration under the authority of which the solicitor solicits contributions;
- The name of the registrant;
- The dates within which solicitations may be made;
- A statement that the card does not constitute an endorsement of the solicitation by the District of Columbia, or by any officer or employee of the District; and
- Other information or conditions that the Director may require.

DC Code § 44–1705


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) Before orally requesting a contribution, or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, a professional solicitor must clearly disclose:

1. The name of the professional solicitor as on file with the department.
2. If the individual acting on behalf of the professional solicitor identifies himself or herself by name, the individual’s legal name.
3. The name and state of the principal place of business of the charitable organization or sponsor and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be used for a charitable or sponsor purpose or, if there is no charitable organization or sponsor, a description as to how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be used for a charitable or sponsor purpose.

(b) In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, any written confirmation, receipt, or reminder sent to any person who has contributed or has pledged to contribute shall include a clear disclosure of the information required by paragraph (a).

(c) In addition to the information required by paragraph (a), any written confirmation, receipt, or reminder of contribution made pursuant to an oral solicitation and any solicitation shall conspicuously state:


The statement must include a toll-free number and website for the division which can be used to obtain the registration information. If the solicitation consists of more than one piece, the statement must be displayed prominently in the solicitation materials. If the solicitation occurs on a website, the statement must be conspicuously displayed on any webpage that identifies a mailing address where contributions are to be sent, identifies a telephone number to call to process contributions, or provides for online processing of contributions.

Florida Statutes § 496.412


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) Every charitable organization, paid solicitor, or solicitor agent required to be registered under this Code section, at the time of any solicitation that occurs in or from this state, shall include the following disclosures:

(1) The name and location of the paid solicitor and solicitor agent, if any;
(2) The name and location of the charitable organization for which the solicitation is being made;
(3) That the following information will be sent upon request:

(A) A full and fair description of the charitable program for which the solicitation campaign is being carried out and, if different, a full and fair description of the programs and activities of the charitable organization on whose behalf the solicitation is being carried out; and
(B) A financial statement or summary which shall be consistent with the financial statement required to be filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to Code Section 43-17-5; and

(4) If made by a solicitor agent or paid solicitor, that the solicitation is being made by a paid solicitor on behalf of the charitable organization and not by a volunteer and inform the person being solicited that the contract disclosing the financial arrangements between the paid solicitor and the charity is on file with and available from the Secretary of State.

GA Code § 43-17-8


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) Every professional solicitor, and every employee or agent thereof, who solicits contributions from a prospective donor or contributor in this State shall at the outset of any oral or written request for a contribution:

(1) Identify themselves by their true surname and first name, and the name of their employer or the contractor as the case may be, that is compensating the individual making the solicitation;
(2) Identify the name of the professional solicitor registered with the department of the attorney general that has contracted with the charitable organization to provide the solicitation services and, if the individual is employed by a subcontractor, the name of the registered subcontractor;
(3) Disclose that the person making the oral or written request for a donation is being paid to make such solicitation and the name of the charitable organization on whose behalf the person making the request is soliciting; and
(4) Disclose, orally and in writing, the fact that a copy of the professional solicitor's registration data and financial reports are available from the department of the attorney general.

HI Stat § 467B-1.5


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

In any solicitation to the public for a charitable organization by a professional fund raiser or professional solicitor:

(a) The public member shall be promptly informed by statement in verbal communications and by clear and unambiguous disclosure in written materials that the solicitation is being made by a paid professional fund raiser. The fund raiser, solicitor, and materials used shall also provide the professional fund raiser's name and a statement that contracts and reports regarding the charity are on file with the Illinois Attorney General and additionally, in verbal communications, the solicitor's true name must be provided.

(b) If the professional fund raiser employs or uses a contract which provides that it will be paid or retain a certain percentage of the gross amount of each contribution or shall be paid an hourly rate for solicitation, or the contract provides the charity will receive a fixed amount or a fixed percentage of each contribution, the professional fund raiser and person soliciting shall disclose to persons being solicited the percentage amount retained or hourly rate paid to the professional fund raiser and solicitor pursuant to the contract, and the amount or the percentage to be received by the charitable organization from each contribution, if such disclosure is requested by the person solicited.

225 ILCS 460/17


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) A professional solicitor subject to registration under this chapter or a person who is employed to solicit or act on behalf of a professional solicitor subject to registration under this chapter shall disclose at the time of the solicitation and before the donor agrees to make a contribution:

(1) the name and, upon request, the address of the charitable organization that is being represented;
(2) the fact that the person soliciting the contribution is, or is employed by, a professional solicitor, and the fact that the professional solicitor is compensated;
(3) the full name of the professional solicitor and, upon request, the telephone number the person being solicited can call to confirm the information provided under this section;  and
(4) the charitable purpose for which the funds are being raised.
(b) If a person solicits in writing or in person, the disclosures required by subsection (a)(1) and (a)(2) shall be in writing.  If a person solicits by telephone, the disclosures required by subsection (a)(1) and (a)(2) shall be made orally.

(d) All disclosures required by this section must be clear and conspicuous.

IN Code § 23-7-8-6


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

All solicitations by professional solicitors shall contain the following disclosures at the point of solicitation:

(a) The name, address and telephone number of the charitable organization;
(b) the registration number, obtained pursuant to K.S.A. 17-1763 for the charitable organization;
(c) if the solicitation is made by a person acting as a professional solicitor, the registration number obtained pursuant to K.S.A. 17-1765; and
(d) that an annual financial report required by K.S.A. 17-1763 for the preceding fiscal year is on file with the secretary of state.

K.S.A. § 17-1766


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) Prior to orally requesting a contribution or when requesting a contribution in writing, a professional solicitor shall clearly disclose:

(a) The professional solicitor's name, as set out in the registration statement filed with the Attorney General pursuant to KRS 367.652, phone number or e-mail address, and the fact that the professional solicitor is being paid for providing services;
(b) The name of the charitable organization the professional solicitor represents and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be used for a charitable or civic purpose; and
(c) If the professional solicitor places or maintains a receptacle in public view for the purpose of collecting contributions in the form of clothing, household items, and other items, the receptacle shall contain a sign or label that:

1. Includes the information contained in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection;
2. Includes a statement that reads as follows: "Items donated here support, in part, a for-profit professional solicitor.";
3. Is in lettering not less than two (2) inches in height and one-half (1/2) inch in width; and
4. Is placed immediately below the opening in the receptacle used to deposit donations.

KRS § 367.668


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

It is an unfair and deceptive act or practice for a professional solicitor, in connection with any charitable solicitation, to:

(1) Fail to provide all of the following information prior to an oral charitable solicitation or at the same time a written charitable solicitation is made:

(a) A clear and conspicuous statement that the solicitation is being performed by a for-profit fundraising firm.
(b) The identity of the for-profit fundraising firm.
(c) The specific charitable purpose for which the charitable solicitation is being conducted.

(2) Fail to provide any of the following information if requested by the consumer:

(a) The percentage of funds solicited which are designated for the charitable organization.
(b) The percentage of funds solicited which are designated for the for-profit fundraising firm.
(c) The percentage of funds to the charitable organization that are used for a charitable purpose.

LA Rev Stat § 51:1904.1


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

A professional solicitor or person who a professional solicitor employs or engages, directly or indirectly, to solicit contributions may not:

1. Misrepresentation of relationship. Misrepresent, directly or indirectly, that person's relationship to a charitable organization;
2. Misrepresentation of fact. Misrepresent, directly or indirectly, to a contributor or potential contributor any fact relating to the solicitation, including, but not limited to, the percentage of the contribution that will be paid over to the charitable organization or the purpose for which the contribution will be used;
3. Use of contributions. Represent, directly or indirectly, that any part of the contributions received will be given or donated to any charitable organization unless the organization has previously consented in writing to the use of its name; or
4. Disclosure of information. Solicit a contribution from any person in this State without clearly and conspicuously disclosing to the person, prior to the time the person makes or authorizes payment of a donation:

A. The name and address of the professional solicitor;
B. That the solicitor is being paid by the charitable organization on whose behalf the solicitation is being made; and
C. How the potential contributor may obtain information from the State on the respective percentages of contributions that will be paid to the charitable organization and to the paid fund-raiser.

9 Maine Rev Stat. § 5011-A


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) If a person, in connection with a written charitable solicitation, offers a contest, sweepstakes, or other promotion, the person shall disclose in writing to each offeree:

(i) the manufacturer's suggested retail price or comparable retail price of each prize offered;
(ii) the conditions to be met to receive a prize; and
(iii) that to receive the prize offered in the promotion the offeree may not be required to:

1. buy goods or services;
2. pay money; or
3. submit to a promotion.

(2) If the contest, sweepstakes, or other promotion involves awarding prizes by chance, the person shall also disclose in writing to each offeree:

(i) the exact number of prizes offered in each category;
(ii) how to get a list of winners, if a prize with a retail price or monetary value of more than $ 100 is offered;
(iii) whether each prize offered will be awarded;
(iv) the date when winners will be determined; and

1. the odds of winning each prize, if they can be calculated in advance; or
2. that the odds of winning will be determined by the number of entries, if the odds cannot be calculated in advance.

(c) Disclosures to appear on first page. -- Each disclosure required under this section shall appear on the first page of the prize notification document.

Maryland Business Regulation Code § 6-503


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Section 23. Solicitations by professional solicitors and solicitations by commercial co-venturers shall contain, at the time of solicitation, the following disclosures:

(1) the name, address and telephone number of the charitable organization and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for charitable purposes, or if there is no charitable organization, the name, address and telephone number of the professional solicitor or commercial co-venturer and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for charitable purposes;
(2) a statement that the solicitation is being conducted by a paid fundraiser; and
(3) such other disclosures as required by relevant rules and regulations promulgated under section 29. If the solicitation is for advertising, the disclosure shall also include the geographic distribution and the circulation of the publication in which the advertising will appear.

11 MGL Ch. 68 § 23


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Prior to orally requesting a contribution or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, the following information shall be clearly disclosed:

(a) the name and location by city and state of each charitable organization on behalf of which the solicitation is made;
(b) the tax deductibility of the contribution; and
(c) a description of the charitable program for which the solicitation campaign is being carried out; and, if different, a description of the programs and activities of the organization on whose behalf the solicitation campaign is being carried out.

If the solicitation is made by direct personal contact, the required information shall also be disclosed prominently on a written document which shall be exhibited to the person solicited. If the solicitation is made by radio, television, letter, telephone, or any other means not involving direct personal contact, the required information shall be clearly disclosed in the solicitation.

In addition to the disclosures required by subdivision 1, any professional fund-raiser soliciting contributions in this state shall also disclose the name of the professional fund-raiser as on file with the attorney general and that the solicitation is being conducted by a "professional fund-raiser." The disclosures required by this subdivision shall be given in the same manner as the disclosures required by subdivision 1.

MN Stat. § 309.556


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) Prior to orally requesting a contribution or contemporaneously with written requests for a contribution, a professional fund-raiser and professional solicitor shall be responsible for clearly and conspicuously disclosing:

(i) The name of the professional fund-raiser as on file with the Secretary of State and that the solicitation is being conducted by a professional fund-raiser who is being paid for his services;
(ii) If the professional solicitor acting on behalf of the professional fund-raiser identifies himself by name, the professional solicitor’s legal name; and
(iii) The name of the charitable organization as on file with the Secretary of State and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for a charitable purpose or, if no charitable organization exists, a description as to how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for a charitable purpose.

(b) All responses given by a professional fund-raiser and professional solicitor to an oral or written request for information shall be truthful.

(c) In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, any written confirmation, receipt or reminder sent to any person who has contributed or has pledged to contribute shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the information required under paragraph (1)(a) of this section.

(4) Prior to orally requesting or contemporaneously with written requests for advertising to appear in a for-profit publication which relates to, purports to relate to or which could reasonably be construed to relate to any charitable purpose, the professional fund-raiser or fund-raising counsel shall be responsible for clearly and conspicuously disclosing:

(a) That the publication is a for-profit, commercial enterprise;
(b) The true name of the solicitor and the fact that the solicitor is being paid for his services; and
(c) The publication is not directly affiliated or sponsored by any charitable organization.

MS Stat. § 79-11-523


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Any person who markets or collects funds on behalf of a charitable organization shall state on all literature soliciting such funds that a portion of the funds contributed are used for marketing expenses and paid to persons for marketing the charitable organization, if any such funds are so used.

Whenever a solicitation of funds on behalf of a charitable organization is undertaken by a professional fund-raiser, the professional fund-raiser shall disclose that fact to prospective contributors.

MO Stat. § 407.469


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 82A.210, a solicitation for a contribution by, for or on behalf of a charitable organization or nonprofit organization, including, without limitation, a solicitation by means of electronic mail or other electronic medium or device, must disclose the following information:

(a) The full legal name of the charitable organization or nonprofit organization as registered with the Secretary of State pursuant to this title;
(b) If the charitable organization or nonprofit organization is not registered or not required to be registered with the Secretary of State pursuant to this title, the full legal name and the physical address of the principal place of business of the charitable organization or nonprofit organization;
(c) A published phone number or Internet address of a website for the charitable organization or nonprofit organization;
(d) A statement or description of the purpose of the charitable organization or nonprofit organization; and
(e) A statement that the contribution:

(1) May be tax deductible pursuant to the provisions of section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 170(c); or
(2) Does not qualify for such a federal tax deduction.

2.  A solicitation for a contribution by, for or on behalf of a charitable organization or nonprofit organization by means of electronic medium or device, other than electronic mail, is deemed to comply with the requirements of subsection 1 if:

(a) The information required to be disclosed pursuant to subsection 1 may be obtained from an Internet website maintained by the charitable organization or nonprofit organization;
(b) The charitable organization or nonprofit organization provides a hyperlink to that Internet website; and
(c) The statement required by paragraph (e) of subsection 1 is located conspicuously on that Internet website or on the page of that Internet website where the donor commits to the charitable contribution.

3.  A solicitation or pledge drive conducted by a charitable organization or nonprofit organization as part of a broadcast telethon, radiothon, webcast or any similar form of broadcast communication is not required to provide the disclosure required by this section throughout the broadcast event, but must disclose the information to a prospective donor before the donor commits or pledges to make a contribution.

4.  A disclosure provided in connection with an appeal for funds to benefit a particular person or his or her immediate family must contain:

(a) The name of the particular person or family members who are to benefit from the appeal; and
(b) A statement that a contribution in response to the appeal may not qualify for a federal tax deduction.

NRS 82A.200

New Hampshire

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

VI. A paid solicitor shall be responsible for complying with, or for causing compliance with, each of the following requirements:

(a) Prior to orally requesting a contribution or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, the following shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed at the point of solicitation:

(1) The name of the paid solicitor as on file with the attorney general and that the solicitation is being conducted by a paid solicitor.
(2) If requested by the contributor, the fixed percentage of the gross revenue or the reasonable estimate, expressed as a percentage of the gross revenue, as identified in paragraph V of this section.

(b) In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, a written confirmation shall be sent to each person who has contributed or pledged to contribute, within 5 days after that person has been solicited, which shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the information required by subparagraph (a) of this paragraph.

1 NH Stat. § 7.28-c

New Jersey

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

a) Prior to soliciting any contribution (except for an in-person solicitation) either telephonically, electronically or in writing, a charitable organization, unless exempt from registration pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:48-3.3 and all independent paid fund raisers, commercial coventurers and solicitors shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the following:

1) The name of the individual making the solicitation;
2) Whether or not the individual making the solicitation is paid or is a volunteer;
3) The name of any fund raising counsel, independent paid fund raiser, or commercial coventurer employing the individual making the solicitation; and
4) The name of the charitable organization which will receive the contribution.

NJ Admin. Code 13:48-11

New Mexico

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

D. The professional fundraiser and the employees of the professional fundraiser shall disclose the following in solicitations:

(1) the name of the charitable organization; and
(2) the fact that the solicitation is made by or through a professional fundraiser.

NMSA § 57-22-6.4

New York

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

1. Any solicitation, by any means, including but not limited to oral solicitation, by or on behalf of a registered charitable organization which is required to file financial reports pursuant to this article and has filed all such reports, shall include therein a statement that upon request, a person may obtain from the organization or from the charities registry on the attorney general's website, a copy of the last financial report filed by the organization with the attorney general. Such statement shall specify the address of the organization and the address of the attorney general, to which such request should be addressed and in the case of a written solicitation, must be placed conspicuously in the material with print no smaller than ten point bold face type or, alternatively, no smaller than the size print used for the most number of words in the statements. Provided, however, such statement need not be made where the space for a printed advertisement or promotional time in any media has been donated or made available to the charitable organization at no cost and such space or time does not reasonably permit inclusion of such statement.

2. Any solicitation used by or on behalf of any charitable organization shall include:

(a) a clear description of the programs and activities for which it has requested and has expended or will expend contributions or shall include therein a statement that, upon request, a person may obtain from the organization such a description; and
(b) a statement identifying the website and telephone number of the New York state office of the attorney general where an individual can receive information on charitable organizations.
(c) If the solicitation is by an institution subject to article five-A of the not-for-profit corporation law, and is for an endowment fund, the solicitation must include a statement that, unless otherwise restricted by the gift instrument pursuant to paragraph (b) of section five hundred fifty-three of the not-for-profit corporation law, the institution may expend so much of an endowment fund as it deems prudent after considering the factors set forth in paragraph (a) of section five hundred fifty-three of the not-for-profit corporation law.

3. In addition to any other disclosure required by law, any solicitation by any means by a professional fund raiser or professional solicitor on behalf of a charitable organization required to be registered pursuant to this article shall clearly and unambiguously disclose:

(a) the name of the professional fund raiser as on file with the attorney general and that the solicitation is being conducted by a professional fund raiser;
(b) the name of the individual professional solicitor as on file with the attorney general and that the individual is receiving compensation for conducting the solicitation; and
(c) a statement identifying the website and telephone number of the office of the attorney general where an individual can receive information on charitable organizations.

NY EXC Law § 174-B

North Carolina

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) Prior to orally requesting a contribution or along with a written request for a contribution, a solicitor shall clearly disclose:

a. The name of the solicitor as on file with the Department.
b. If the individual acting on behalf of the solicitor identifies himself by name, the individual's legal name.
c. That the caller is a paid solicitor.

(2) In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, any written confirmation, receipt, or reminder sent to any person who has contributed or has pledged to contribute, shall include a clear disclosure of the information required under subdivision (1) of this subsection.

(3) In addition to the information required by subdivision (1) of this subsection, any written confirmation, receipt, or reminder of contribution made pursuant to an oral solicitation and any written solicitation shall conspicuously state in type of a minimum of nine points: "Financial information about the solicitor and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at [telephone number]. The license is not an endorsement by the State." The statement shall be made conspicuous by use of one or more of the following: underlining, a border, or bold type. When the solicitation materials consist of more than one piece, the statement shall be displayed prominently in the solicitation materials, but not necessarily on every page.

N.C.G.S.A. § 131F-17


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) Prior to verbally requesting a contribution, or contemporaneously with and accompanying a written request for a contribution, the following shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed at the point of solicitation:

(a) The name of the professional solicitor as it is on file with the attorney general and a statement that the solicitation is being conducted by the person as a professional solicitor;
(b) The name and address of each charitable organization on behalf of which all or any part of the contribution collected will be used. If the charitable organization has not received from the internal revenue service a determination letter that is currently in effect, stating that the organization is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(a) and described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the particular charitable purpose or purposes to be advanced with the funds raised shall be disclosed.

O.R.C. § 1716.07


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

B. When requesting a contribution, the professional solicitor shall clearly disclose or provide contact information for the following information, if requested by the person being solicited:

1. The name of the professional fundraiser that employs or retains the professional solicitor, as set out in the registration statement filed with the Secretary of State, and the fact that the professional fundraiser is being paid for his or her services;
2. The name of the charitable organization the person represents and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be used; and
3. The percentage of the contributions solicited that the professional fundraiser is to receive and the registration number of the professional fundraiser, the charitable organization and the professional solicitor, as requested.

OK Stat. § 18-552.9


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1)All commercial fund raising solicitations shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the identity of the commercial fund raising firm or commercial coventurer.

(a)In the case of a vending machine, it shall be disclosed on the device that the machine is owned and operated by the commercial fund raising firm or commercial coventurer.
(b)In the case of an in-person solicitation, including a face-to-face or telephone solicitation, it shall be disclosed orally in the course of the solicitation but prior to asking for a commitment for a contribution from the solicitee, and in writing to any solicitee that makes a pledge to be delivered within 10 days of the date of the pledge that the solicitor is operating under the direction and control of a named commercial fund raising firm or commercial coventurer.
(c)In the case of a solicitation by advertisement or mass distribution, including posters, leaflets, automatic dialing machines, publications and audio or video broadcasts, it shall be disclosed in the body of the solicitation material that the product or service is marketed by a named commercial fund raising firm or commercial coventurer.

(2)All commercial fund raising solicitations shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the amount of the solicited funds to be paid to the nonprofit beneficiary as provided in ORS 128.823 (Designation of amount to be paid to beneficiaries).

(a)In the case of a vending machine, the disclosure shall be on the device.
(b)In the case of an in-person solicitation, including a face-to-face or telephone solicitation, the disclosure shall be in the form of a written statement to any solicitee who makes a pledge, to be delivered within 10 days of the date of the pledge.
(c)In the case of a solicitation by advertisement or mass distribution, the disclosure shall be in the body of the solicitation material.

No person shall engage in an in-person solicitation as an agent of a professional fund raising firm, including a face-to-face or telephone solicitation, unless it is disclosed orally in the course of the solicitation but prior to asking for a commitment for a contribution from the solicitee, and in writing to any solicitee that makes a pledge to be delivered within 10 days of the date of the pledge that the solicitor is operating under the direction and control of a named professional fund raising firm.

ORS § 128.824


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(h) REQUIRED DISCLOSURES.-- Prior to orally requesting a contribution or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, a professional solicitor shall be responsible for clearly and conspicuously disclosing:

(1) The name of the professional solicitor as on file with the department and that the solicitation is being conducted by a professional solicitor who is being paid for his services.
(2) If the individual acting on behalf of the professional solicitor identifies himself by name, the individual's legal name.
(3) The legal name of the charitable organization as registered with the department and a description of how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for a charitable purpose or, if there is no charitable organization, a description as to how the contributions raised by the solicitation will be utilized for a charitable purpose.

(j) INFORMATION ON DISCLOSURE.-- In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, any written confirmation, receipt, and reminder sent to any person who has contributed or has pledged to contribute shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the information required by subsection (h).

(k) NOTICE.-- In addition to the information required by subsection (j), any written confirmation, receipt and reminder of a contribution made pursuant to an oral solicitation and any written solicitation shall conspicuously state verbatim:

The official registration and financial information of (insert the legal name of the charity as registered with the department) may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

10 P.S. § 162.9

Rhode Island

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Prior to orally requesting a contribution, or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, the following shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed:

(a) The name of the professional solicitor and professional fundraiser, and the fact that the solicitation is being conducted by a professional solicitor.
(b) If requested by the prospective donor, the percentage of the contribution to be retained by the professional fundraiser.

(a) Any written solicitation used by or on behalf of any charitable organization shall provide a description of the programs and activities for which it has expended or will expend contributions it receives from the solicitation or shall include therein a statement that, upon written request to a specified person at the charitable organization, a person may obtain from the charitable organization a description. In addition, any written solicitation shall state in clear and unambiguous language whether or not contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes in accordance with applicable law. The requirements of this section shall be satisfied by written notice to the donor or prospective donor. This written notice requirement shall be deemed satisfied if made once during the solicitation process, including at the time of confirmation of receipt of any contribution.

(b) If any charitable organization solicits contributions for or makes contributions through a solicitation to another organization that is not its affiliate as defined in § 5-53.1-4, the written solicitation shall include a statement that the contributions have been made and that a list of all organizations that have received contributions from the soliciting organization during the most recently completed fiscal year of the charitable organization for which information is required to be filed in accordance with § 5-53.1-2 may be obtained from that organization. A United Way, federated fund, or incorporated community appeal, by or through which a donation is merely transferred to another organization selected by the donor, does not need to include the donor-selected transferee organizations in the list. The requirements of this section shall be satisfied by a written-notice to the donor or prospective donor. This written-notice requirement shall be deemed satisfied if made once during the solicitation process, including at the time of confirmation of receipt of any contribution.

(c) A charitable organization shall comply with all requests made pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section within fifteen (15) days of their receipt.

RI Gen L § 5-53.1-12.1

South Carolina

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(A) At the initial time of solicitation, a professional solicitor must disclose its status as a "professional" or "paid" solicitor. The professional solicitor also must disclose the registered true name of the professional fundraising organization for which it works and the registered true name, location, and purpose of the charitable organizations for which it is soliciting. Upon oral or written request of the solicited party, a professional solicitor also must disclose the percentage of gross receipts with which the professional solicitor is compensated including the amount the professional solicitor must be reimbursed as payment for fundraising costs. The professional solicitor also must disclose the guaranteed minimum percentage of gross receipts to be remitted or retained by the charitable organization excluding the amount which the charitable organization must pay for fundraising costs.

(B) Upon oral or written request by the solicited party, the professional solicitor must deliver to the solicited party within fifteen business days of the request a:

(1) financial statement of the charitable organization disclosing assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue, and expenses for the preceding fiscal year. This financial statement must be the most recently submitted annual financial report pursuant to Section 33-56-60; and
(2) copy of the professional solicitor's or charitable organization's current registration certification from the Secretary of State.

South Carolina Code Annotated § 33-56-90

South Dakota

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Any telephone solicitation message shall disclose immediately after telephone contact the name of the person, company or organization making the call and the purpose of the call and the goods or services being offered, if any.

SD Code § 37-30-26


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(1) A paid solicitor shall be responsible for complying with, or for causing compliance with, each of the following requirements:

(A) Prior to orally requesting a contribution, or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, it shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed at the point of solicitation the name of the paid solicitor as on file with the division and that the solicitation is being conducted by a paid solicitor;
(B) In the case of a solicitation campaign conducted orally, whether by telephone or otherwise, a written confirmation shall be sent to each person who has contributed or pledged to contribute, within five (5) days after that person has been solicited, which shall include a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the information required by subdivision (h)(1)(A)

It is the duty of every charitable organization to furnish identification to persons who solicit contributions from the public on behalf of the charitable organization, including, but not limited to, those persons soliciting on behalf of an exempt organization or nonexempt organization and all professional solicitors. The solicitor shall be required to have and produce or display, on demand, identification indicating that the solicitor has been duly authorized by the organization for which the solicitor is soliciting. Such identification shall include, but not be limited to, the name of the holder of the identification and the name and the registration number of the charitable organization.

TN Code § 48-101-513


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) A veterans organization solicitor shall disclose at the time each solicitation is made the following information: "The secretary of state has on file important information about persons that seek contributions in the name of veterans, and the number to call about that information is the Solicitation Information Hotline (the number maintained by the secretary of state)."

(b) The disclosure must be made:

(1) orally if the solicitation is in person or by telephone; and
(2) by printed notice in any printed matter distributed by the solicitor.

Texas Occupations Code § 1804.151


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(e) No paid fundraiser shall solicit a contribution from any person in this State without clearly and conspicuously disclosing to the person, both orally, if the paid fundraiser is soliciting in whole or in part by telephone, and in writing, if the paid fundraiser is soliciting in whole or in part by means of writing:

(1) that the solicitor is being paid by the charitable organization on whose behalf the solicitation is being made; and
(2) how the potential contributor may obtain information from the State on the respective percentages of contributions that will be paid to the charitable organization and to the paid fundraiser.

9 V.S.A. § 2475


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

Every professional solicitor who solicits contributions from a prospective contributor in the Commonwealth: (i) shall identify himself and his employer; (ii) shall disclose that he is a paid solicitor; and (iii) shall further disclose, in writing, the fact that a financial statement for the last fiscal year is available from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

A. Every solicitor for an organization which is for-profit which solicits contributions from a prospective contributor in the Commonwealth shall disclose that the organization is not exempt from taxation under § 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Every charitable organization required to be registered pursuant to § 57-49 and every professional solicitor required to be registered pursuant to § 57-61 soliciting contributions from prospective contributors shall disclose to the potential donor contemporaneously at the point of a written request or on a written receipt for donations made in response to an oral request that a financial statement is available from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request.

VA Code § 57-55.2


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

All entities soliciting contributions for charitable purposes must comply with the requirements of this section except entities exempted from registration are not required to make the disclosures under subsections (1)(c), (4)(b) or (c), and (5)(b) of this section. The following conditions apply to solicitations as defined by RCW 19.09.020:

(1) Any entity that directly solicits contributions from the public in this state must make the following clear and conspicuous disclosures at the point of solicitation:

(a) The name of the individual making the solicitation;
(b) The identity of the charitable organization and the city of the principal place of business of the charitable organization;
(c) The published number and web site of the office of the secretary, if requested, for the donor to obtain additional financial and other information on file with the secretary. The disclosure must be made during an oral solicitation of a contribution, and at the same time at which a written request for a contribution is made.

(2) A commercial fund-raiser must meet the required disclosures described in subsection (1) of this section clearly and conspicuously at the point of solicitation and must also disclose the name of the entity for which the fund-raiser is an agent or employee and the name and city of the charitable organization for which the solicitation is being conducted.

(3) Telephone solicitations must include the disclosures required under subsection (1) or (2) of this section prior to asking for a contribution. The required disclosures must also be provided in writing within five business days to anyone who makes a pledge by telephone to donate.

(4) In the case of a solicitation by advertisement or mass distribution, including postal, electronic, posters, leaflets, automatic dialing machines, publications, and audio or video broadcasts, it must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed in the body of the solicitation material that:

(a) The solicitation is conducted by a named commercial fund-raiser, if it is;
(b) The registration required by the charitable solicitation act is on file with the secretary's office; and
(c) The potential donor can obtain additional financial and other information at a published number or web site for the office of the secretary.

(5) A container or vending machine displaying a solicitation must display:

(a) In a clear and conspicuous manner the name of the charitable organization for which funds are solicited, the name, business address, and telephone number of the individual or any commercial fund-raiser responsible for collecting funds placed in the containers or vending machines;
(b) The statement: "This organization is currently registered with the secretary's office under the charitable solicitation act - call 1-800-332-4483," if the charitable organization for which funds are solicited is required to register under chapter 19.09 RCW.

RCW § 19.09.100

West Virginia

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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

All registered charitable organizations and their professional fund raisers and solicitors are required to disclose in writing:

(1) The name of a representative of the charitable organization to whom inquiries can be made;
(2) the name of the charitable organization;
(3) the purpose of the solicitation;
(4) upon request of the person solicited, the estimated percentage of the money collected which will be applied to the cost of solicitation and administration or how much of the money collected will be applied directly for the charitable purpose; and
(5) the number of the raffle, bingo or other such state permit used for fund raising.

Every printed solicitation shall include the following statement: "West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, West Virginia 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement."

The disclosure statement shall be conspicuously displayed on any written or printed solicitation. Where the solicitation consists of more than one piece, the disclosure statement shall be displayed on a prominent part of the solicitation materials.

WV Code § 29-19-8


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Professional Fundraiser Disclosures

(a) Prior to orally requesting a contribution or contemporaneously with a written request for a contribution, a professional fund-raiser shall clearly and conspicuously disclose all of the following:

  1. The name of the charitable organization, as it appears on file with the department, on whose behalf the solicitation is being made.
  2. A clear description of the primary charitable purpose for which the solicitation is made.
  3. That the contribution is not tax-deductible, if this disclosure is applicable.
  4. The name of the professional fund-raiser, as it appears on file with the department, and that the solicitation is being conducted by a professional fund-raiser who is being paid for his, her, or its services.
  5. If the individual acting on behalf of the professional fund-raiser identifies himself or herself by name, the individual's legal name.
  6. Upon request by a person from whom a charitable contribution is sought, the percentage of the contribution that will be paid to the charitable organization as a result of the person's contribution. If the professional fund-raiser does not receive a percentage of the contribution, the professional fund-raiser shall disclose the dollar amount it was to or will receive.

(b) If a solicitation is made orally, including a solicitation made by telephone, the professional fund-raiser shall, within 5 days after the solicitation, send to each person contributing or pledging to contribute a written confirmation, receipt, or reminder of the contribution.

(c) In addition to the information required by par. (a) 1. to 5., any written solicitation, and any confirmation, receipt, or reminder required by par. (b), shall, unless the charitable organization has obtained a disclosure exemption under s. 202.12(6m) (e), conspicuously state the following verbatim: "A financial statement of the charitable organization disclosing assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue, and expenses for the preceding fiscal year will be provided to any person upon request."

(d) The financial statement under par. (c) shall, at a minimum, divide expenses into categories of management and general, program services, and fund-raising. If the charitable organization is required to file financial information with its annual report under s. 202.12(3), the financial statement under par. (c) shall be consistent with the financial information reported in that annual report.

(e) The professional fund-raiser may not represent that tickets to an event will be donated to an organization for use by others unless all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The professional fund-raiser has a commitment, in writing, from the organization stating that the organization will accept donated tickets and specifying the number of donated tickets that the organization is willing to accept.
  2. The professional fund-raiser solicits contributions for donated tickets from no more contributors than the number of tickets that the organization has agreed to accept under subd. 1.

(f) The disclosures required by this subsection are required unless the professional fund-raiser is soliciting a contribution for a charitable organization that is not required to be registered under s. 202.12(1).

WI Stat § 202.14(11)

To ensure your organization is in compliance with all fundraising requirements, let Harbor Compliance help. For disclosure-specific compliance, our Dynamic Disclosures tool tracks changes in state requirements and updates your website automatically, as needed.

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